Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
- | Chloroplast distribution pattern in three cecidomyiid galls indicated by confocal microscopy and transmittance measurements | Huang, M. Y.; Chou, H. M.; Yang, M. M.; Yang, C. M.; Chang, Y. T. | PHOTOSYNTHETICA | | | |
2000 | Circadian temperature patterns in two cecidomyiid galls of Machilus Thunbergii (Lauraceae) | Yang, C. M.; Jen, W. Y.; Yang, M. M. | | | | |
1996 | Effect of Heating Pattern on Pigment Degradation of Green Vegetable Leaf | Chao, P. Y.; Yang, C. M. | TAIWANIA 41(4), 339-345 | | | |
2003 | Effects of chlorophyll-related compounds (CRCs) on hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes | Hsu, C. Y; Hu, S. P.; Chao, P. Y.; Yang, C. M. | | | | |
2005 | Effects of chlorophyll-related compounds on hydrogen peroxide induced DNA damage within human lymphocytes | Hsu, C. Y.; Yang, C. M.; Chen, C. M.; Chao, P. Y.; Hu, S. P. | JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 53, 2746-2750 | | | |
2008 | Effects of climate factors on normalized difference vegetation index taking from satellite remote sensing at the Mt. Huangzui area of Taiwan | Huang, W. D.; Chen, J. C.; Hsu, M. H.; Yang, Z. W.; Huang, K. Y.; Lu, L. C.; Chen, C. T.; Yang, J. S.; Yang, C. M. | WEED SCIENCE BULLETIN 29(1), 23-39 | | | |
1994 | Effects of light intensity on chloroplast development of Ficus microcarpa cv. Golden leaves | Chen, Y. R.; Yang, C. M. | | | | |
2002 | Effects of three allelopathic phenolics on chlorophyll accumulation of rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings: I. Inhibition of supply-orientation | Yang, C. M.; Lee, C. N.; Chou, C. H. | BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA 43, 299-304 | | | |
2004 | Effects of three allelopathic phenolics on chlorophyll accumulation of rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings: II. Stimulation of consumption-orientation | Yang, C. M.; Lee, C. N.; Chou, C. H. | BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA 45, 119-125 | | | |
- | Eliminating the interference on estimation of chlorophyll content in sweet potato leaves | Hsu, M. H.; Huang, W. D.; Yang, Z. W.; Yang, C. M. | BOTANICAL STUDIES | | | |
2000 | From satellite in space to chlorophyll on earth: Rice for example | Yang, J. W.; Chang, H. H.; Tsai, Y. C.; Yang, C. M. | | | | |
2003 | Genetic effect on carbon isotope composition of a C3-plant. | Yeh, H. W.; Chen, F. W.; Yang, C. M. | | | | |
2003 | Glucose and δ-Aminolevulinic Acid Stimulate the Dark Chlorophyll Synthesis of Rice Seedlings | Yang, C. M.; Tsai, H. M.; Yang, J. H. | ACTA BOTANICA SINICA 45, 422-426 | | | |
1996 | Grana stacking is normal in a chlorophyll-deficient LT8 mutant of rice | Yang, C. M.; Chen, H. Y. | BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA 37, 31-34 | | | |
2004 | Grana stacking is normal in two insect-induced cecidomyiid galls deficient in light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) | Yang, C. M.; Yang, M. M. | Plant Physiol Biochem (Accepted) | | | |
1993 | Grana stacking of thylakoid membranes in higher plants | Yang, C. M.; Chen, Y. | IN RECENT ADVANCES IN BOTANY. INSTITUTE OF BOTANY, ACADEMIA SINICA, MONOGRAPHY SERIES 13, 219-243 | | | |
2002 | Grey relational analysis between satellite images and chlorophyll-related compounds during the vegetation growth stage of paddy rice | Yang, Z. W.; Chang, H. H.; Tsai, Y. C.; Yang, J. S.; Yang, C. M. | (submitted) | | | |
2010 | Grey relational analysis of physico-chemical variables and water body reflectance of a Chi-Chi earthquake landslide-dammed lake monitored by SPOT satellite | Huang, W. D.; Yang, J. S.; Chen, J. C.; Hsu, M. H.; Wu, J. T.; Yang, C. M. | JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM 22(4), 297-308 | | | |
2010 | Grey relational analysis of physico-chemical variables and water body reflectance of a Chi-Chi earthquake landslide-dammed lake monitored by SPOT satellite | Huang, W. D.; Yang, J. S.; Chen, J. C.; Hsu, M. H.; Wu, J. T.; Yang, C. M. | THE JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM 22(4), 297-308 | | | |
2003 | Grey relational analyzing the flavonoid contents and antioxidative activities of eight vegetables | Chu, Y. H.; Chao, P. Y.; Yang, J. S.; Peng, L. L.; Yang, C. M. | THE JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM 15, 67-72 | | | |