Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1999 | Ellipsometric study of carbon nitride thin films with and without silicon addition | Chen, L. C.; Lin, H. Y.; Wong, C. S.; Chen, K. H.; Lin, S. T.; Yu, Y. C.; Wang, C. W.; Lin, E. K.; Lin, K. C. | DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 8, 618-622 | | | |
2004 | Facile synthesis of metal-chelating peptides on chip for protein array | Cheng, C. W.; Lin, K. C.; Pan, F. M.; Sinchaikul, S.; Wong, C. H.; Su, W. C.; Hsu, C. H.; Chen, S. T. | Bioorg Med Chem Lett 14, 1987-1990 | | | |
2010 | Fine Structure-Resolved Rotational Energy Transfer of SH (A2Σ+, v’=0) State by Collisions with Ar | Tsai, P. -Y.; Lin, K. C. | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 1162 | | | |
2007 | Gas Phase Molecular Reaction and Photodissociation Dynamics | Lin, K. C.; Kleiber, P. D. | India | | | |
2011 | Gas-phase Photodissociation of CH3CHBrCOCl at 248 nm: Detection of Molecular Fragments by Time-Resolved Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy | Liu, C. -Y.; Tsai, M. -T.; Tsai, P. -Y.; Liu, Y. -T.; Lin, K. C.; Chen, S. Y.; Chan, A. H. H. | ChemPhysChem. 12, 206 | | | |
2012 | Gas-phase Photodissociation of CH3COCN at 308 nm by Time-resolved Fourier-transform Infrared Emission Spectroscopy | Yeh, Y. Y.; Chao, M. H.; Tsai, P. Y.; Chang, Y. B.; Tsai, M. T.; Lin, K. C. | Y. Y. Yeh, M. H. Chao, P. Y. Tsai, Y. B. Chang, M. T. Tsai, K. C. Lin 136, 044302 | | | |
2010 | GPS crustal deformation, strain rate and seismic activity after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan | Lin, K. C.; Hu, J. C.; Ching, K. E.; Angelier, J.; Rau, R. J.; Yu, S. B.; Tsai, C. H.; Shin, T. C.; Huang, M. H. | J. Geophys. Res. 115, B07404, doi:10.1029/2009JB006417 | | | |
2000 | Hantavirus infection in Taiwan: the experience of a geographically unique area | Chin, C.; Chiueh, T. S.; Yang, W. C.; Yang, T. H.; Shih, C. M.; Lin, H. T.; Lin, K. C.; Lien, J. C.; Tsai, T. F.; Ruo, S. L.; Nichol, S. T.; Ksiazek, T. G.; Rollin, P. E.; Peters, C. J.; Wu, T. N.; Shen, C. Y. | J Med Virol 60, 237-247 | | | |
2005 | Improved Field-Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotube Field-Emission Arrays by Controlled Density Growth of Carbon Nanotubes. | Juan, C. P.; Chen, K. J.; Tsai, C. C.; Lin, K. C.; Hong, W. K.; Hsieh, C. Y.; Wang, W. P.; Lai, R. L.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C.; Cheng, H. C. | JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 44,365-370 | | | |
2006 | Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer: Multiple-Element Detection in Aqueous Solution and Sea-water by Using on-line Preconcentration Method | Huang, L. S.; Lin, K. C. | Anal. Sci. 22,1375-1378 | | | |
2005 | Influence of Vibrational Excitation on the Nonadiabatic Reactions of Metal Atoms with H2. | Chen, J. J.; Hsiao, M. K.; Lin, K. C. | J. Chem. Phys. (communication) 123, 121101-121104 | | | |
2003 | Influence of Vibrational Excitation on the Reaction Li(22PJ)+H2(v=1)(LiH(X11+)+ H. | Chen, J. J.; Lin, K. C. | J. Chem. Phys. (communication) (also selected as Nov. articles in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science) 119, 8785-8789 | | | |
2012 | Interaction between Crystal Violet and Anionic Surfactants at Silica/Water Interface Using Evanescent Wave-Cavity Ring-down Absorption Spectroscopy | Lin, M. C.; Lin, K. C. | J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 379, 41 | | | |
2012 | Interfacial Electron Transfer from CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots to TiO2 Nanoparticles: Size Dependence at Single Molecule Level | Chang, C. -L.; Tsai, P. -Y.; Chang, Y. -p.; Lin, K. C. | ChemPhysChem 13, 2711 | | | |
2010 | Kinetic and Thermodynamic Investigation of Rhodamine B Adsorption at Solid/Solvent Interfaces Using Evanescent-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy | Chen, M. S.; Fan, H. F.; Lin, K. C. | Anal. Chem 82, 868 | | | |
2004 | Kinetics of Catalytic Isomerization of Quadricyclane to Norbornadiene Using Near Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy: Conversion Rate and Diffusion Motion in Heterogeneous Reaction. | Fan, H. F.; Chin, T. L.; Lin, K. C. | J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 9364-9370 | | | |
2004 | Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Br2 Vapor in the Extreme Red Wavelength Region 665-720 nm. | Sharma, R. C.; Thakur, S. N.; Lin, K. C. | Spectrochim. Acta A 60, 1889-1893 | | | |
2007 | Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Analysis of Al3+ Liquid Droplets: on-line Preconcentration by Use of Flow-injection Manifold | Huang, J. S.; Liu, H. T.; Lin, K. C. | Anal. Chimica. Acta 581, 303-308 | | | |
2005 | Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Liquid Droplets: Correlation Analysis with Plasma-induced Current versus Continuum Background. | Huang, J. S.; Lin, K. C. | J. Anal. Atom. Spectrosc. 20, 53-59 | | | |
2002 | Mass-Analyzed Threshold Ionization Spectroscopy of o-, m-, and p-Methylaniline Cations:Vicinal Substitution Effects on Electronic Transition, Ionization, and Molecular Vibration | Lin, J. L.; Lin, K. C.; Tzeng, W. B. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 106, 6462-6468 | | | |