Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2009 | Coseismic Displacements and Slip Distribution from GPS and Leveling Observations for the 2006 Peinan Earthquake (Mw 6.1) in Southeastern Taiwan | Chen, H. Y; Hsu, Y. J.; Lee, J. C.; Yu, S. B.; Kuo, L. C.; Jiang, Y. L.; Liu, C. C.; Tsai, C. S. | EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 61, 1-20 | | | |
2009 | Coseismic Displacements and Slip Distribution Inferred from GPS and Leveling Observations for the 1 April 2006 Peinan Earthquake (Mw 6.1) in Southeastern Taiwan | Chen, H. Y; Hsu, Y. J.; Lee, J. C.; Yu, S. B.; Kuo, L. C.; Liu, C. C.; Tsai, C. S. | EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 61, 299-318 | | | |
2009 | Coseismic displacements and slip Distribution inferred from GPS and leveling observations for the 2006 Peinan Earthquake (Mw 6.1) in southeastern Taiwan | Chen, H. Y.; Hsu, Y. J.; Lee, J . C.; Yu, S. B.; Kuo, L. C.; Liu, C. C.; Tsai, C. S. | EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 61, 299–318 | | | |
2006 | Deformation and slip along the Sunda megathrust in the great 2005 Nias-Simeulue earthquake | Briggs, R. W.; Sieh, K.; Meltzner, A. J.; Natawidjaja, D.; Galetzka, J.; Suwargadi, B.; Hsu, Y. J.; Simons, M.; Hananto, N.; Suprihanto, I.; Prayudi, D.; Avouac, J. -P.; Prawirodirdjo, L.; Bock, Y. | SCIENCE 311, 1897-1901 | | | |
2018 | Detecting rock uplift across southern Taiwan mountain belt by integrated GPS and leveling data | Hsu, Y. J.; Y. R. Lai; R. J. You; H. Y. Chen; L. S. Teng; Y. C. Tsai; C. H. Tang; H. H. Su | TECTONOPHYSICS 744, 275-284 | | | |
2012 | Determination of vertical velocity field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: A joint analysis of leveling and GPS measurements | Chen, H. Y.; Lee, J. C.; Tung, H.; Yu, S. B.; Hsu, Y. J.; Lee, H. | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 23, 355-376 | | | |
2012 | Determination of vertical velocity field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: a joint analysis of leveling and GPS measurements | Chen, H. Y.; Lee, J. C.; Tung, H.; Yu, S. B.; Hsu, Y. J.; Lee, H. | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 23(4), doi: 10.3319/TAO.2012.02.29.01. | | | |
2011 | Effect of stress ratio and friction coefficient on composite P wave radiation patterns | Wan, Y. G.; Sheng, S. Z.; Hsu, Y. J.; Wu, Y. M. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 54,994-1001 | | | |
2008 | Evaluation of Bidens Pilosa water extract as a food supplement for type 2 diabetes | Huang, Y. T.; Hsu, Y. J.; Chang, C. L. T.; Lee, T. H.; Yang, W. C. | | | | |
2001 | Fault geometry and slip distribution of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake imaged from inversion of GPS data | Johnson, S.; Hsu, Y. J.; Segall, P.; Yu, S. B. | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 28, 2285-2288 | | | |
2008 | Focal-mechanism determination in Taiwan by genetic algorithm | Wu, Y. M.; Zhao, L.; Chang, C. H.; Hsu, Y. J. | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 98, 651-661 | | | |
2006 | Frictional afterslip following the Mw 8.7, 2005 Nias-Simeulue earthquake, Sumatra | Hsu, Y. J.; Simons, M.; Avouac, J. -P.; Galetzka, J.; Sieh, K.; Chlieh, M; Natawidjaja, D.; Prawirodirdjo, L.; Bock, Y. | SCIENCE 312, 1921-1926 | | | |
2003 | GPS measurement of postseismic deformation following the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake | Yu, S. B.; Hsu, Y. J.; Kuo, L. C.; Chen, H. Y.; Liu, C. C. | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 108(2520, 10.1029/2003JB002396) | | | |
2004 | H2S-induced reorganization of mixed monolayer of carboxylic acids on silver surface. | Hsu, M. H.; Hu, W. S.; Lin, J. J.; Hsu, Y. J.; Wei, D. H.; Yang, C. W.; Tao, Y. T. | Langmuir 20(9), 3641-3647 | | | |
2005 | Highly oriented growth of p-sexiphenyl molecular nanocrystals on rubbed polymethylene surfaces. | Hu, W. S.; Lin, Y. F.; Tao, Y. T. ; Hsu, Y. J.; Wei, D. H. | MACROMOLECULES 38(23), 9617-9624 | | | |
2002 | Impact of a large earthquake on a GPS network: The case of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake | Kuo, L. C.; Yu, S. B.; Hsu, Y. J.; Hou, C. S.; Lee, Y. H.; Tsai, C. S.; Chen, C. S. | Survey Review 36, 423-431 | | | |
2009 | Interseismic crustal deformation in the Taiwan plate boundary zone revealed by GPS observations, seismicity, and earthquake focal mechanisms | Hsu, Y. J.; Yu, S. B.; Simons, M.; Kuo, L. C.; Chen, H. Y. | TECTONOPHYSICS 479, 4-418 | | | |
2009 | Interseismic crustal deformation in the Taiwan plate boundary zone revealed by GPS observations, seismicity, and earthquake focal mechanisms | Hsu, Y. J.; Yu, S. B.; Simons, M.; Kuo, L. C.; Chen, H. Y. | TECTONOPHYSICS 479, 4-18 | | | |
2012 | Interseismic crustal deformation of frontal thrust fault system in the Chiayi-Tainan area, Taiwan | Tsai, M. C.; Yu, S. B.; Hsu, Y. J.; Chen, H. Y.; Chen, H. W. | TECTONOPHYSICS 554, 169-184 | | | |
2016 | Interseismic deformation and moment deficit along the Manila subduction zone and the Philippine fault system | Hsu, Y. J.; S. B. Yu; J.P. Loveless; T. Bacolcol; R. Solidum; A. Luis Jr.; A. Pelicano; J. Woessner | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-Solid Earth 121(10), 7639-7665 | | | |