Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2015 | R331W Missense Mutation of Oncogene YAP1 Is a Germline Risk Allele for Lung Adenocarcinoma With Medical Actionability | Chen, HY; Yu, SL; Ho, BC; Su, KY; Hsu, YC; Chang, CS; Li, YC; Yang, SY; Hsu, PY; Ho, H; Chang, YH; Chen, CY; Yang, HI; Hsu, CP; Yang, TY; Chen, KC; Hsu, KH; Tseng, JS; Hsia, JY; Chuang, CY; Yuan, S; Lee, MH; Liu, CH; Wu, GI; Hsiung, CA; Chen, YM; Wang, CL; Huang, MS; Yu, CJ; Chen, KY; Tsai, YH; Su, WC; Chen, HW; Chen, JJ; Chen, CJ; Chang, GC; Yang, PC; Li, KC | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 33(20), 2303-2310 | | | |
2019 | Ran pathway-independent regulation of mitotic Golgi disassembly by Importin-α | Chang, CC; Chen, CJ; Grauffel, C; Pien, YC; Lim, C ; Tsai, SY; Hsia, KC | Nature communications 10(1), 4307 | | | |
2021 | Rare variants discovery by extensive whole-genome sequencing of the Han Chinese population in Taiwan: Applications to cardiovascular medicine | Juang, JJ; Lu, TP; Su, MW; Lin, CW; Yang, JH; Chu, HW; Chen, CH; Hsiao, YW; Lee, CY; Chiang, LM; Yu, QY; Hsiao, CK; Chen, CJ; Wu, PE; Pai, CH; Chuang, EY; Shen, CY | Journal of advanced research 30, 147-158 | | | |
2010 | Recent trends and patterns in breast cancer incidence among Eastern and Southheastern Asian women | Shin, HR; Joubert, C; Boniol, M; Hery, C; Ahn, SH; Won, YJ; Nishino, Y; Sobue, T; Chen, CJ; You, SL; Mirasol-Lumague, MR; Law, SC; Mang, O; Xiang, YB; Chia, KS; Rattanamongkolgul, S; Chen, JG; Curado, MP; Autier, P | CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL 21(11), 1777-1785 | | | |
1997 | Reference spirometric values in healthy Chinese neversmokers in two townships of Taiwan. | Pan, WH; Chen, JY; Haung, SL; Liou, TL; Lee, TK; Wang, LY; Chen, CJ; Lin, SL; Lo, CH | The Chinese journal of physiology 40(3), 165-174 | | | |
2011 | Response to Letter by Lin et al Regarding Article, “Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Increased Risk of Cerebrovascular Disease” | Lee, MH; Yang, HI; Wang, CH; Chen, CJ | Stroke 42(6), E390-391 | | | |
2009 | Risk assessment of arsenic-induced internal cancer at long-term low dose exposure | Liao, CM; Shen, HH; Chen, CL; Hsu, LI; Lin, TL; Chen, SC; Chen, CJ | J Hazard Mater 165,652-663 | | | |
2011 | Risk estimation for hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B (REACH-B): development and validation of a predictive score | Yang, HI; Yuen, MF; Chan, HL; Han, KH; Chen, PJ; Kim, DY; Ahn, SH; Chen, CJ; Wong, VW; Seto, WK | Lancet Oncol 12(6), 568-574 | | | |
2013 | Risk factors for primary lung cancer among never smokers by gender in a matched case-control study | Lo, YL; Hsiao, CF; Chang, GC; Tsai, YH; Chen, YM; Huang, MS; Su, WC; Chen, YM; Hsin, CW; Chang, CH; Yang, PC; Chen, CJ; Hsiung, CA | Cancer Cause Control 24(3), 567-76 | | | |
2009 | Risk of carotid atherosclerosis is associated with low serum paraoxonase (PON1) activity among arsenic exposed residents in southwestern Taiwan | Li, WF; Sun, CW; Cheng, TJ; Chang, KH; Chen, CJ; Wang, SL | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 236:246-253 | | | |
2011 | Risk of gynaecological malignancies in cytologically atypical gladular cells: follow-up study of a nationwide screening population | Cheng, WF; Chen, YL; You, SL; Chen, CJ; Chen, YC; Hsieh, CY; Chen, CA | Brit J Obstet Gynecol 118(1), 34-41 | | | |
2009 | Risk of pancreatic cancer in chronic hepatitis B virus infection: data from the REVEAL-HBV cohort study | Iloeje, UH; Yang, HI; Jen, CL; Su, J; Wang, LY; You, SL; Lu, SN; Chen, CJ | Liver Int 30:423-429 | | | |
2009 | Role of acid-sensing ion channel 3 in sub-acute-phase inflammation. | Yen, YT; Tu, PH; Chen, CJ; Lin, YW; Hsieh, ST; Chen, CC. | Molecular pain 5, 1 | | | |
2010 | Secular trends in breast cancer mortality in five East Asian populations: Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan | Shin, HR; Boniol, M; Joubert, C; Hery, C; Haukka, J; Autier, P; Nishino, Y; Sobue, T; Chen, CJ; You, SL; Ahn, SH; Jung, KW; Law, SC; Mang, O; Chia, KS | Cancer Science 101(5), 1241-1246 | | | |
1991 | Seroepidemiology of epstein-barr virus and cytomegalovirus infection among preschool and school children in Taiwan | Chen, CJ; You, SL; Pan, WH; Chang, AS; Wang, LY; Sun, CA; Wang, LY; Lee, TK; Teh, BH; Lin, SH; Liu, WT | Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology 4(1A), 150-158 | | | |
1994 | Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Helicobacter pylori infection in Taiwan. | Teh, BH; Lin, JT; Pan, WH; Lin, SH; Wang, LY; Lee, TK; Chen, CJ | Anticancer research 14(3B), 1389-1392 | | | |
2008 | Serum HBV DNA as a predictor of the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma | Chen, CJ; Iloeje, UH; Yang, HI | Current Hepatitis B Reports 2, 30-37 | | | |
1995 | Serum retinol level and liver cancer in Taiwan: a nested case-control study | Hsieh, HH; Yu, MW; Pan, WH; Yang, CS; Chen, CJ | Chinese Journal of Public Health (Taipei) 14(2), 159-168 | | | |
2015 | Significant reduction in end-stage liver diseases burden through national viral hepatitis therapy program in Taiwan | Chiang, CJ; Yang, YW; Chen, JD; You, SL; Yang, HI; Lee, MH; Lai, MS; Chen, CJ | Hepatology 61(4), 1154-1162 | | | |
2011 | Significantly increased risk of carotid atherosclerosis with arsenic exposure and polymorphisms in arsenic metabolism genes | Hsieh, YC; Lien, LM; Chung, WT; Hsieh, FI; Hsieh, PF; Wu, MM; Tseng, HP; Chiou, HY; Chen, CJ | Environ Res 111(6), 804-810 | | | |