Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2010 | Obesity and alcohol synergize to increase the risk of incident hepatocellular carcinoma in men. | Loomba, R; Yang, HI; Su, J; Brenner, D; Iloeje, U; Chen, CJ | Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 8(10):891-898 | | | |
2010 | Optimal anthropometric factor cutoffs for hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia for the Taiwanese population | Tseng, CH; Chong, CK; Chan, TT; Bai, CH; You, SL; Chiou, HY; Su, TC; Chen, CJ | Atherosclerosis 210:585-589 | | | |
2011 | Persistence of Type-specific Human Papillomavirus Infection and Increased Long-term Risk of Cervical Cancer | Chen, HC; Schiffman, M; Lin, CY; Pan, MH; You, SL; Chuang, LC; Hsieh, CY; Liaw, KL; Hsing, AW; Chen, CJ; CBCSP-HPV Study Group | Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103(18), 1387-1396 | | | |
2009 | Polymorphisms in arsenic metabolism genes, urinary arsenic methylation profile and cancer | Chung, CJ; Hsueh, YM; Bai, CH; Huang, YK; Huang, YL; Yang, MS; Chen, CJ | Cancer Cause Control 20:1653-1661 | | | |
2015 | Polymorphisms near the IFNL3 Gene Associated with HCV RNA Spontaneous Clearance and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk. | Lee, MH; Yang, HI; Lu, SN; Lin, YJ; Jen, CL; Wong, KH; Chan, SY; Chen, LC; Wang, LY; L’Italien, G; Yuan, Y; Chen, CJ | Scientific Reports 5, 17030 | | | |
2011 | Polymorphisms of MLH1 and MSH2 genes and the risk of lung cancer among never smokers. | Lo, YL; Hsiao, CF; Jou, YS; Chang, GC; Tsai, YH; Su, WC; Chen, KY; Chen, YM; Huang, MS; Hsieh, WS; Chen, CJ; Hsiung, CA | LUNG CANCER 72(3), 280-286 | | | |
2011 | Polysaccharides purified from the submerged culture of Ganoderma formosanum stimulate macrophage activation and protect mice against Listeria monocytogenes infection. | Wang, CL; Pi, CC; Kuo, CW; Zhuang, YJ; Khoo, KH ; Liu, WH; Chen, CJ | Biotechnology letters 33(11), 2271-2278 | | | |
2015 | Predicting Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Surface Antigen Seroclearance in HBV e Antigen-Negative Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B: External Validation of a Scoring System | Liu, J; Tseng, TC; Yang, HI; Lee, MH; Batrla-Utermann, R; Jen, CL; Lu, SN; Wang, LY; You, SL; Chen, PJ; Chen, CJ; Kao, JH | The Journal of infectious diseases 211(10), 1566-1573 | | | |
2009 | Preface: Spain arsenic meeting (editorial) | Kitchin, KT; Del Razo, LM; Chen, CJ; Vahter, M | Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 239:127-129 | | | |
2011 | Prevalence of genotype-specific human papillomavirus infection and cervical neoplasia in Taiwan: a community-based survey of 10,602 women | Chen, HC; You, SL; Hsieh, CY; Lin, CY; Pan, MH; Chou, YC; Liaw, KL; Schiffman, M; Hsing, AW; Chen, CJ; CBCSP-HPV Study Group | Int J Cancer 128(5):1192-203 | | | |
2012 | Prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity and its impacts onincidences of hypertension,diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in Taiwan | Hwang, LC; Bai, CH; Sun, CA; Chen, CJ | Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 21, 227-233 | | | |
1985 | Prevalence of poliomyelitis among Taipei City school children | Chen, CJ; Wang, LJ; Tay, SC; Lim, CB; Chang, CC; Wang, KF | Epidemiol Bull 1, 41-46 | | | |
2005 | Probing the DNA kink structure induced by the hyperthermophilic chromosomal protein Sac7d | Chen, CY; Ko, TP; Lin, TW; Chou, CC; Chen, CJ; Wang, AHJ | Nucleic acids research 33(1), 430-438 | | | |
2011 | Prognostic utility of anti-EBV antibdy testing for defining NPC risk among individuals from high-risk NPC families | Yu, KJ; Hsu, WL; Pfeiffer, RM; Chiang, CJ; Wang, CP; Lou, PJ; Cheng, YJ; Gravitt, P; Diehl, SR; Goldstein, AM; Chen, CJ; Hildesheim, A | Clin Cancer Res 17(7), 1906-1914 | | | |
2006 | Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of rice Bowman-Birk inhibitor from Oryza sativa | Lin, YH; Li, HT; Huang, YC; Hsieh, YC; Guan, HH; Liu, MY; Chang, T; Wang, AHJ ; Chen, CJ | Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 62(6), 522-524 | | | |
2015 | Quality assessment and improvement of Nationwide Cancer Registration System in Taiwan: a review | Chiang, CJ; You, SL; Chen, CJ; Yang, YW; Lo, WC; Koong, SL; Hsu, TH; Wu, CY; Lai, MS | Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 45:291-296 | | | |
2013 | Quantitative serum levels of hepatitis B surface antigen improve predictability of spontaneous eradication of hepatitis B virus in chronic hepatitis B patients | Liu, J; Lee, MH; Batrla-Utermann, R; Jen, CL; Iloeje, UH; Lu, SN; Wang, LY; You, SL; Hsiao, KC; Yang, HI; Chen, CJ; REVEAL-HBV Study Group | J Hepatol | | | |
2015 | R331W Missense Mutation of Oncogene YAP1 Is a Germline Risk Allele for Lung Adenocarcinoma With Medical Actionability | Chen, HY; Yu, SL; Ho, BC; Su, KY; Hsu, YC; Chang, CS; Li, YC; Yang, SY; Hsu, PY; Ho, H; Chang, YH; Chen, CY; Yang, HI; Hsu, CP; Yang, TY; Chen, KC; Hsu, KH; Tseng, JS; Hsia, JY; Chuang, CY; Yuan, S; Lee, MH; Liu, CH; Wu, GI; Hsiung, CA; Chen, YM; Wang, CL; Huang, MS; Yu, CJ; Chen, KY; Tsai, YH; Su, WC; Chen, HW; Chen, JJ; Chen, CJ; Chang, GC; Yang, PC; Li, KC | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 33(20), 2303-2310 | | | |
2019 | Ran pathway-independent regulation of mitotic Golgi disassembly by Importin-α | Chang, CC; Chen, CJ; Grauffel, C; Pien, YC; Lim, C ; Tsai, SY; Hsia, KC | Nature communications 10(1), 4307 | | | |
2021 | Rare variants discovery by extensive whole-genome sequencing of the Han Chinese population in Taiwan: Applications to cardiovascular medicine | Juang, JJ; Lu, TP; Su, MW; Lin, CW; Yang, JH; Chu, HW; Chen, CH; Hsiao, YW; Lee, CY; Chiang, LM; Yu, QY; Hsiao, CK; Chen, CJ; Wu, PE; Pai, CH; Chuang, EY; Shen, CY | Journal of advanced research 30, 147-158 | | | |