Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2008 | CBV-weighted fMRI study of Neurovascular Coupling in the Caudate Putamen following Graded Electrical Stimulation in the Forepaw of Rats | Shih, Y. Y.; Chen, Y. Y.; Chen, C. C.; Shyu, B. C.; Siow, T. Y.; Lin, Z. J.; Chen, J. C.; Jaw, F. S.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2002 | Cloninger's Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire: psychometric properties and construct validity in Taiwanese adults | Chen, W. J.; Chen, H. M.; Chen, C. C.; Yu, W. Y.; Cheng, A. T. A. | Compr Psychiatry 43, 158-166 | | | |
2014 | Concurrent alleviation of both motor and nonmotor deficits by PPAR-γ activation in Parkinson’s disease using fMRI | Chang, C.; Chen, C. C.; Hsu, Y. H.; Lin, T. N. | | | | |
2011 | Controlled Growth of Aligned Alpha-Helical Polypeptide Brushes for Tunable Electrical Conductivity | Wu, J. C.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, K. H.; Chang, Y. C. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 98, 133304 | | | |
2012 | Decoupling as a mechanism of generating aftershocks | Chen, C. c.; Wang, J. H.; Huang, W. J. | TECTONOPHYSICS 546-547, 56-59 | | | |
2005 | Development of a chinese version of the Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale for heavy drinking | Gau, S. F.; Liu, C. Y.; Lee, C. S.; Chang, J. C.; Chang, C. J.; Chen, C. F.; Chen, C. C.; Cheng, A. T. A. | Alcohol Clin Exp Res 29, 1172-1179 | | | |
2005 | Different types of variant muscle nociception after intermittent and continuous neuromuscular stimulation in rats | Wang, S. F.; Chen, C. C.; Liao, W. S.; Shyu, B. C. | J Biomed Sci 12, 467-479 | | | |
2008 | Diffusion tensor imaging visualizes bFGF-induced neurogenesis in the hippocampus | Chen, C. C.; Mo, K. C.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2009 | Direct-growth of polyaniline nanowires for enzyme-immobilization and glucose detection | Horng, Y. Y.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 11, 850-853 | | | |
1997 | Dopamine D2 receptor gene and alcoholism among four aboriginal groups and Han in Taiwan | Chen, W. J.; Lu, M. L.; Hsu, Y. P.; Chen, C. C.; Yu, J. M.; Cheng, A. T. A. | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART B-NEUROPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS 74, 129-136 | | | |
1990 | Effect of La Substitution on the Phase Transition in Ce3Al Compound | Chen, C. C.; Chen, Y. Y.; Yao, Y. D.; Luo, R. L. | | | | |
2005 | Elasticity of single-crystal aragonite by Brillouin spectroscopy | Liu, L. G.; Chen, C. C.; Lin, C. C.; Yang, Y. J. | PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS 32, 97-102 | | | |
2003 | Electronic structure of GaN nanowire studies by x-ray-absorption spectroscopy and scanning photoelectron microscopy. | Chiou, J. W.; Jan, J. C.; Tsai, H. M.; Pong, W. F.; Tsai, M. -H.; Hong, I. -H.; Klauser, R.; Lee, J. F.; Hsu, C. W.; Lin, H. M.; Chen, C. C.; Shen, C. H.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 82(3949) | | | |
2003 | Enhanced Dynamic Annealing in Ga+ Ions Implanted GaN Nanowires. | Datta, D. A.; Wu, C. T.; Lan, Z. H.; Chen, K. H.; Wang, Y. L.; Chen, L. C.; Hsu, C. W.; Lin, H. M.; Chen, C. C. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 82, 451-453 | | | |
2008 | Enhanced emission of (In, Ga) nitride nanowires embedded with self-assembled quantum dots | Hsu, C. W.; Ganguly, A.; Liang, C. H.; Hung, Y. Y.; Wu, C. T.; Hsu, G. M.; Chen, Y. F.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 18, 938-942 | | | |
2007 | External output connector and cable for wire electrode recording in freely moving mouse | Tsai, M. L.; Huang, J. J.; Chen, C. C. | Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communication 19, 1-5 | | | |
2010 | Fabrication of multilayer TiO2 thin films for dye-sensitized solar cells with high conversion efficiency by electrophoresis deposition | Chang, H.; Su, H. T.; Chen, W. A.; Huang, K. D.; Chien, S. H. ; Chen, S. L.; Chen, C. C. | Solar Energy 84, 130–136 | | | |
1994 | Flexibility of the T cell receptor repertoire | Liang, H. E.; Chen, C. C.; Chou, D. L.; Lai, M. Z. | Eur J Immunol 24, 1604-1611 | | | |
2010 | Flexible supercapacitor based on polyaniline nanowires/carbon cloth with both high gravimetric and area-normalized capacitance | Horng, Y. Y.; Lu, Y. C.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, C. C.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H. | JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 195, 4418-4422 | | | |
2013 | Functional MRI in the early detection of Parkinson’s disease. | Chen, C. C.; Hsu, Y. H.; Chang, C. | | | | |