Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2008 | Mitochondrial and nuclear gene suggest that stony corals are monophyletic but most of coral families are not | Fukami, H.; Chen, C. A.; Budd, Ann F.; Collins, A.; Wallace, C. C.; Chuang, Y. -Y.; Chen, C.; Dai, C. -F.; Iwao, K.; Sheppard, C.; Knowlton, N. | PLoS ONE 3 (9), e3222 | | | |
2006 | Multi-enzyme one-pot strategy for the synthesis of sialyl Lewis X-containing PSGL-1 glycopeptide | Huang, K. T.; Wu, B. C.; Lin, C. C.; Luo, S. C.; Chen, C.; Wong, C. H.; Lin, C. C. | CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH 341, 2151-2155 | | | |
2006 | Multi-enzyme one-pot strategy for the synthesis of sialyl Lewis X-containing PSGL-1 glycopeptide | Huang, K. -T.; Wu, B. -C.; Lin, C. -C.; Luo, S. -C.; Chen, C.; Wong, C. -H.; Lin, C. -C. | CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH 341(12), 2151-2155 | | | |
1998 | Multinuclear NMR resonance assignments and the secondary structure of Escherichia coli thioesterase/protease I: a member of a new subclass of lipolytic enzymes | Lin, T. H.; Chen, C.; Huang, R. F.; Lee, Y. L.; Shaw, J. F.; Huang, T. H. | J Biomol NMR 11, 363-380 | | | |
2010 | NMR and biophysical elucidation of structural effects on extra N-terminal methionine residue of recombinant amphibian RNases from Rana catesbeiana | Hsu, C. H.; Pan, Y. R.; Liao, Y. D.; Wu, S. H.; Chen, C. | JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 148, 209-215 | | | |
2008 | NMR solution structure of KP-TerB, a tellurite-resistance protein from Klebsiella pneumoniae | Chiang, S. K.; Lou, Y. C.; Chen, C. | Protein Sci 17(4), 785-789 | | | |
2009 | NMR structural analysis of DNA recognition by a novel Myb1 DNA binding domain in the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis | Lou, Y. C.; Wei, S. Y.; Rajasekaran, M.; Chou, C. C.; Hsu, H. M.; Tai, J. H.; Chen, C. | Nucleic Acids Research 37(7), 2381-2394 | | | |
2010 | NMR Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of the Tellurite Resistance Protein TerD from Klebsiella pneumonia | Pan, Y. R.; Lou, Y. C.; Seven, A. B.; Rizo, J.; Chen, C. | J. Mol. Biol. 405(5), 1188-1201 | | | |
2002 | Novel peptide inhibitors for Grb2 SH2 domain and their detection by surface plasmon resonance | Lung, F. D.; Tsai, J. Y.; Wei, S. Y.; Cheng, J. W.; Chen, C.; Li, P.; Roller, P. P. | J Pept Res 60, 143-149 | | | |
2005 | Novel solution structure of porcine beta-microseminoprotein | Wang, I.; Lou, Y. C.; Wu, K. P.; Wu, S. H.; Chang, W. C.; Chen, C. | J Mol Biol 346, 1071-1082 | | | |
2009 | Oligomerization is crucial for the stability and function of heme oxygenase-1 in the endoplasmic reticulum | Hwang, H. -W.; Lee, J. -R.; Chou, K. -U.; Suen, C. -S.; Hwang, M. -J. ; Chen, C.; Shieh, R. -C.; Chau, L. -Y. | Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(34), 22672-22679 | | | |
1998 | Palaeoceanographic change in the northeastern South China Sea during the last 15000 years. | Wei, K. Y.; Lee, M. Y.; Duan, W.; Chen, C.; Wang, C. H. | JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE 13(1),55-64 | | | |
2018 | Phylogeography of hydrothermal vent stalked barnacles: a new species fills a gap in the Indian Ocean ‘dispersal corridor’ hypothesis | Watanabe, H. K.; Chen, C.; Marie, D. P.; Takai, K.; Fujikura, K.; Chan, B. K. K. | Royal Society Open Science 5(4), 172408 | | | |
2004 | Probing the Enzyme Catalytic Mechanism by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – A Case Study of Serine Protease. | Tyukhtenko, S. I.; Huang, Y. T.; Lin, T. H.; Chen, C.; Chang, C. F.; Lee, S. J.; Litvinchuk, A. V.; Shaw, J. F.; Liaw, Y. C. ; Huang, T. H. | Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 51, 1133-1140 | | | |
2006 | Roles of N-terminal pyroglutamate in maintaining structural integrity and pKa values of catalytic histidine residues in bullfrog ribonuclease 3 | Lou, Y. C.; Huang, Y. C.; Pan, Y. R.; Chen, C.; Liao, Y. D. | J Mol Biol 355, 409-421 | | | |
2006 | Roles of N-terminal Pyroglutamate in Maintaining Structural Integrity andpK(a) Values of Catalytic Histidine Residues in Bullfrog Ribonuclease 3 | Lou, Y. C.; Huang, Y. C.; Pan, Y. R.; Chen, C.; Liao, Y. D. | J Mol Biol 355, 409-421 | | | |
2010 | Simulation of the typhoon activity over western North Pacific using a regional climate model | Feng, Ya-Chien; Chou, Chia; Chen, C.; Knutson, T. R.; Sirutis, J. J.; Garner, S. T.; Kerr, C.; Chang, W. | | | | |
2010 | Solution structure and phospho-PmrA recognition mode of PmrD from Klebsiella pneumoniae | Luo, S. C.; Lou, Y. C.; Cheng, H. Y.; Pan, Y. R.; Peng, H. L.; Chen, C. | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 172, 319-330 | | | |
2002 | Solution Structure of a K-Channel Blocker from the Scorpion Tityus cambridgei | Wang, I.; Wu, S. H.; Chang, H. K.; Shieh, R. C.; Yu, H. M.; Chen, C. | PROTEIN SCIENCE 11(2), 390-400 | | | |
2005 | Structural and DNA-binding studies on the bovine antimicrobial peptide, indolicidin: evidence for multiple conformations involved in binding to membranes and DNA | Hsu, C. H.; Chen, C.; Jou, M. L.; Lee, A. Y. L.; Lin, Y. C.; Yu, Y. P.; Huang, W. T.; Wu, S. H. | Nucleic Acids Res 33, 4053-4064 | | | |