Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1985 | New Evidence of Valence Band Mixing in GaAs Quantum Wells through Photoluminescence Studies | Miller, R. C.; Gosard, a. C.; Sanders, G. D.; Chang, Y. C.; Schulman, J. N. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 32, 8452 | | | |
2011 | New Insights of Keggin-type 12-Tungstophosphoric Acid from 31P MAS NMR of Adsorbed Trimethylphosphine Oxide and DFT Calculation Studies | Huang, S. J.; Yang, C. Y.; Zheng, A.; Feng, N.; Wu, P. H.; Yu, N.; Chang, Y. C.; Lin, Y. C.; Deng, F.; Liu, S. B. | CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 6, 137-148 | | | |
1981 | New Method for Calculating Electronic Properties of Superlattices Using Complex Band Structures | Schulman, J. N.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 24, 4445-8 | | | |
1994 | NMR relaxation caused by fluctuating flux lines | Xing, L.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 235-240, 2651 | | | |
1991 | Non-canonical Transformation Approach to the X-ray Edge Problem | Perakis, I.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 44, 5877 | | | |
1993 | Noncanonical-transformation approach to the problem of an itinerant particle interacting with a Fermi sea | Perakis, I. E.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 47, 6573-6584 | | | |
2008 | Nonmagnetic control of spin flow: Generation of pure spin current in a Rashba-Dresselhaus quantum channel | Lin, C. H.; Tang, C. S.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 78, 245312 | | | |
1992 | Normal Incidence Infrared Photoabsorption in p-type GaSb/Ga_{x}Al_{1-x}Sb Quantum Wells | Xie, H.; Katz, J.; Wang, W. I.; Chang, Y. C. | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 71, 2844 | | | |
1992 | Normal incidence intersubband optical transition in GaSb/InAs superlattices | Chen, H. H.; Houng, M. P.; Wang, Y. H.; Chang, Y. C. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 61, 509-511 | | | |
1994 | Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Induced by Thermally Fluctuating Flux Lines in Type-II Superconductors | Xing, L.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 73, 488-491 | | | |
1997 | On the inversion in GaAs metal-insulator-semiconductor heterostructures | Chen, Z.; Mohammad, S. N.; Park, D. G.; Morkoc, H.; Chang, Y. C. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 70, 228 | | | |
2007 | Optical characterization of CO2-laser-ablated Si-rich SiO_{x} | Lin, G. R.; Lin, C. J.; Chang, Y. C. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90, 151903 | | | |
2000 | Optical conductivity and Raman spectra of coupled electron-phonon systems via bosonic algebra | Kuo, David M. -T.; Setlur, G. S.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 61, 290 | | | |
2008 | Optical nanometrology of Au nanoparticles on a multilayer film | Chang, Y. C.; Hsu, S. H.; Kim, Y. D. | Phys. Stat. Sol.(c) 5, 1194-7 | | | |
1991 | Optical Phonons in GaAs/AlAs Quantum Wires | Ren, S. F.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 43, 11857 | | | |
1985 | Optical Properties in Modulation Doped semiconductor Quantum Wells | Sanders, G. D.; Chang, Y. C. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 31, 6892 | | | |
2007 | Optical properties of core-shell particle composites. II. Nonlinear response | Goncharenko, A. V.; Chang, Y. C. | CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 439, 121-126 | | | |
1992 | Optical Properties of Free Standing Silicon Quantum Wires | Sanders, G. D.; Chang, Y. C. | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 60, 2525 | | | |
1989 | Optical Properties of Hg1-xCdxTe Sawtooth Superlattices | Chang, Y. C.; Cheung, J.; Chiou, A.; Khoshnevisan, M. | J. Appl. Phys. 66, 829 | | | |
1994 | Optical Properties of the Zincblende CdSe and ZnxCd1-xSe films grown on GaAs | Kim, Y. D.; Klein, M. V.; Ren, S. F.; Chang, Y. C.; Luo, H.; Samarth, N.; Furdyna, J. K. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 49, 7262 | | | |