Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Post-resuscitation Hyperoxia-induced Vasoconstriction and Neuronal Injury | Chang, W. T.; Huang, C. H.; Tsai, I. F.; Lee, C. P.; Chen, W. J.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2009 | Magnetic resonance imaging and analyses of tempering processes in rice kernels | Hwang, S. S.; Cheng, Y. C.; Chang, C.; Lur, H. S.; Lin, T. T. | Journal of Cereal Science (50),36-42 | | | |
2004 | Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscpy in assessing 3-nitropropionic acid-induced brain lesions: animal model of Huntington's disease | Lee, W. T.; Chang, C. | Prog Neurobiol 72, 87-110 | | | |
2010 | Magnetic Resonance Microscopic Angiography Visualization of Abnormal Microvasculature in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease | Lin, C. Y; Huang, C. H; Lin, M. H; Hsu, Y. H; Tsai, C. R; Chen, H. M; Chern, Y; Chang, C. | | | | |
1995 | Magnetic resonance microscopy of hamster olfactory bulb: a histological correlation | Chang, C.; Jang, T. | Anat Rec 242, 132-135 | | | |
1992 | Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Rabbit Eyes. | Yoshida, A.; Kwong, K. K.; Chang, C.; karino, K.; Iwasaki, T.; buzney, S. M.; Cheng, H. M. | Vision Res. 32,37 | | | |
1991 | Magnetization Transfer and Spin-Lock Image Contrast at High Fields. | Chang, C.; Reese, T.; Vevea, J. M.; Thulborn, K. R. | | | | |
2005 | Manganese as an In Vivo Tract Tracer for Callosal Connectivity. | Zechariah, A.; Hsu, Y. H.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2005 | Manganese Enhanced MRI Non-invasively Reveals the Degeneration of Fasciculus Retroflexus Induced by Meth-Amphetamine | Hsu, Y. H.; Yen, C. C.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2009 | Mapping dopaminergic denervation in Parkinson disease in vivo and in situ: the visualization of structural details by CBV-weighted fMRI | Chen, C. C. V.; Shih, Y. Y. I.; Mo, K. C.; Yao, N. W.; Lin, Z. J.; Huang, C. H.; Shyu, B. C.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2000 | Measurement of Changes in CBF in MPTP-Treated and 7-NI Protected Rats Using FAIR Technique | Pan, Y. L.; Shyu, B. C.; Chang, C. | | | | |
1989 | Measurements of T1 and T2 Relaxation Times in Mouse Tissue at 9.4T. | Lee, A. S.; Chang, C.; Kersh, R.; Garrido, L.; Shtern, F.; Brady, T. | | | | |
1990 | Megnetic Susceptibility Effects in T2 Weighted MR Images of Cerebral Hematoma are due to the Soluble Iron Substances. | Kiihne, S.; Thulborn, K.; Chang, C.; Vevea, J.; Moore, J.; Rosen, B.; Brady, T. | | | | |
1997 | Metabolic alterations produced by 3-nitropropionic acid in rat striata and cultured astrocytes: quantitative in vitro 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and biochemical characterization | Tsai, M. J.; Goh, C. C.; Wan, Y. L.; Chang, C. | Neuroscience 79, 819-826 | | | |
1989 | Microscopy of Liver Metastases at 9.4 T. | Shtern, F.; Lee, A. S.; Chang, C.; Garrido, L.; Lauffer, R. B.; Ackerman, J. L.; Brady, T. J. MR | | | | |
2010 | Modulation of energy deficiency in Huntington’s disease via activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma | Chiang, M. C.; Chen, C. M.; Lee, M. R.; Chen, H. W.; Chen, H. M.; Wu, Y. S.; Hung, C. H.; Kang, J. J.; Chang, C. P.; Chang, C.; Wu, Y. R.; Tsai, Y. S.; Chern, Y. | HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 19(20), 4043-4058 | | | |
2014 | MRI shows tumor inhibition conferred by disintegrins alone or in combination with anti-VEGFR2 | Chen, C. C.; Yao, N. W.; Chuang, W. J.; Chang, C. | | | | |
2006 | Multifunctional Composite Nanoparticles: Magnetic, Luminescent, and Mesoporous | Lin, Y. S.; Wu, S. H.; Hung, Y.; Chou, Y. H.; Chang, C.; Lin, M. L.; Tsai, C. P.; Mou, C. Y. | Chem Mater 18, 5170-5172 | | | |
2008 | Multifunctional Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Intracellular Labeling andAnimal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies | Wu, S. H.; Lin, Y. S.; Hung, Y.; Chou, Y. S.; Hsu, Y. H.; Chang, C.; Mou, C. Y. | ChemBioChem 9(1), 53-57 | | | |
2014 | Multifunctional silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles: a facile four-in-one system for in situ study of neural stem cell harvesting | Peng, Y. K.; Lui, C. N.; Lin, T. H.; Chang, C.; Chou, P. T.; Yung, K. K.; Tsang, S. C. | Faraday Discuss. 175, 13-26 | | | |