Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2011 | New records of water mites of the family Torrenticolidae (Acari, Hydrachnidia) with descriptions of two new species from Nanshih River system in Taiwan and redescription of Torrenticola ussuriensis (Sokolow, 1940) from the Russian Far East | Pesic, V.; Somemchenko, K. A.; Chatterjee, T.; Yam, R. S. W.; Chan, B. K. K. | Zookeys 116, 1-14 | | | |
2009 | New species of marine littoral mites (Acari: Orbatida) from Taiwan and India, with a key to world species of Fortuynia and notes of their distribution. | Bayartogtokh, B.; Chatterjee, T.; Chan, B. K. K.; Ingole, B. | Zoological Studies 48(2), 243-261 | | | |
2010 | North West Pacific deep-sea barnacle (Cirripedia, Thoracica) collected by the TAIWAN expeditions, with decriptions of two new species | Chan, B. K. K.; Prabowo, R. E.; Lee, K. -S. | Zootaxa 2405, 1-47 | | | |
2007 | Oceanographic current and geographical distribution of intertidal barancles in Asia: implicatio for the biogeography of intertidal communities | Chan, B. K. K. | | | | |
2010 | On the identities of three common shallow-water swimming crabs Portunus hastatoides Fabricius, 1798, P. dayawanensis Chen, 1986, and P. pseudohastatoides Yang and Tang, 2006 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae): Essentials for benthic ecological monitoring and biodiversity studies | Wong, K. J. H.; Leung, K. M. Y.; Chan, B. K. K. | Zoological studies 49(5), 669-680 | | | |
2013 | Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of sexual system of stalked barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Scalpelliformes) | Chan, B. K. K.; Lin, H. -C.; Hoeg, J. T. | | | | |
2018 | Phylogenetic, ecological and biomechanical constraints on larval form: A comparative morphological analysis of barnacle nauplii | Wong, J. Y.; Chan, K. Y. Karen; Chan, B. K. K. | PLOS ONE 13(11), e0206973 | | | |
2018 | Phylogeography of hydrothermal vent stalked barnacles: a new species fills a gap in the Indian Ocean ‘dispersal corridor’ hypothesis | Watanabe, H. K.; Chen, C.; Marie, D. P.; Takai, K.; Fujikura, K.; Chan, B. K. K. | Royal Society Open Science 5(4), 172408 | | | |
2012 | Phylogeography of the cold-water barnacle Chthamalus challengeri in the north-western Pacific: effect of past population expansion and contemporary gene flow | Cheang, C. C.; Tsang, L. M.; Ng, W. C.; Williams, G. A.; Chu, K. H.; Chan, B. K. K. | JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY 39(10), 1819-1835 | | | |
2008 | Population differentiation of the barnacle Chthamalus malayensis: postglacial colonization and recent connectivity across Pacific and Indian Oceans. | Tsang, L. M.; Chan, B. K. K.; Wu, T. H.; Ng, W. C.; Chatterjee, T.; Williams, G. A.; Chu, K. H. | Marine Ecology Progress Series 364, 107-118 (+= equal contribution) | | | |
2004 | Population dynamics of the acorn barnacles, Tetraclita squamosa and Tetraclita japonica (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) in Hong Kong. | Chan, B. K. K.; Williams, G. A. | Marine Biology 146, 149-160 | | | |
2006 | Reproductive development of the barnacle Chthamalus malayensis in Hong Kong: implications for the life-history patterns of barnacles on seasonal tropical shores | Yan, Y.; Chan, B. K. K.; Williams, G. A. | Marine Biology 148, 875-887 | | | |
2016 | Revision of the coral-inhabiting genus Conopea (Cirripedia: Archaeobalanidae) with description of two new species of the genera Conopea and Acasta. | Kolbasov, G.A.; Chan, B. K. K.; Molodtsova, T. N.; Achituv, Y. | ZOOTAXA 4178(2), 182-208 | | | |
2003 | Sandy Shores | Chan, B. K. K.; Caley, K. J. | Hong Kong | | | |
2003 | Season of death: the ecology of Tetraclita japonica (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) during the summer in Hong Kong | Chan, B. K. K. | | | | |
2003 | Seasonal biofilm successional patterns at a sheltered shore in Hong Kong | Chan, B. K. K.; Chan, W. K. S.; Walker, G. | Biofouling 19, 371-380 | | | |
2008 | Setal morphology and setation patterns of barnacle cirri: adaptations and implications for thoracican evolution. | Chan, B. K. K.; Hoeg, J. T.; Garm, A. | Journal of Zoology 275, 294-306 | | | |
2018 | Sex-specific metamorphosis of cypris larvae in the androdioecious barnacle Scalpellum scalpellum (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) and its implications for the adaptive evolution of dwarf males | Dreyer, N.; Olesen, J.; Dahl, R. B.; Chan, B. K. K.; Høeg, J. T. | PLOS ONE 13(2), e0191963 | | | |
2009 | Shallow water and deep-sea barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) collected during the Philippine Panglao 2005 expedition, with deacriptions of two new species | Chan, B. K. K. | The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 20, 47-82 | | | |
2010 | Spatial and temporal variation in diets of the crabs Metopograpsus frontalis (Grapsidae) and Perisesarma bidens (Sesarmidae): implications for mangrove food webs | Poon, D. Y. N.; Chan, B. K. K.; G. A. Williams | Hydrobiologia 638, 29-40 | | | |