Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1991 | Kin Networks and Women's Employment in Taiwan | 呂玉瑕 | | | | |
1992 | Married Women's Informal Employment in Taiwan | Lu, Yu-Hsia | Proceedings of the National Science Council Part C:Humanities and Social Sciences 2, 202-217 | | | |
1993 | Sex Role Attitude and the Employment of Married Women - A Detroit Area Study | Lu, Yu-Hsia | Journal of Women and Gender Studies 4,137-174 | | | |
1999 | The Bosses' Wives in Taiwanese Small Family Businesses | Lu, Yu-Hsia | | | | |
2011 | The Co-preneurship and Business Survival in Small Family Firms under Taiwanese Transitional Economy | Lu, Yu-Hsia | | | | |
2012 | The Co-preneurship and Competitive Strategies in Small Family Firms under the Transitional Economy in Taiwan | Lu, Yu-Hsia | | | | |
1996 | The Composition of Family: Subjective Versus Objective Analysis of the Taiwanese Family | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Lu, Yu-Hsia | | | | |
2000 | The Organizational Determinants of Wives' Involvement in Taiwanese Family Businesses | Lu, Yu-Hsia | | | | |
2001 | The “Boss's Wife” and Taiwanese Small Family Business | Lu, Yu-Hsia | Women’s Working Lives in East Asia (USA : Stanford University Press) | | | |
1999 | Who Are My Family Members? Lineage and Marital Status in the Taiwanese Family | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Lu, Yu-Hsia | The American Journal of Chinese Studies 6(2), 249-278 | | | |
1998 | Women and Work in Taiwanese Family Business | Lu, Yu-Hsia | | | | |
2000 | Women's Family Status: A Comparison of the Family Power Structure in Taiwan and China | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Lu, Yu-Hsia ; Pan, Yun-Kang | Walking a Tightrope: Meeting the Challenges of Work and Family (England : Ashgate) | | | |
1984 | Women, Work and the Family in a Developing Society: Taiwan | Lu, Yu-Hsia | Women in the Urban and Industrial Workforce: Southeast and East Asia (Australia : The Australian National University Press) | | | |
1984 | 三十年來台灣家族組織與職業變遷,1946-1980(國家科學委員會1984年專題研究計畫報告) | 謝繼昌; 呂玉瑕 | 三十年來台灣家族組織與職業變遷,1946-1980(國家科學委員會1984年專題研究計畫報告),98 | | | |
1997 | 九〇年代的台灣社會:社會變遷基本調查研究系列二(上)、(下) | 張苙雲; 呂玉瑕 ; 王甫昌 | 台北 | | | |
2015 | 二十一世紀台灣青少年性別角色態度之形成與變遷 | 呂玉瑕 ; 周玉慧 | 台灣社會學刊 第58期,頁95-155 | | | |
2014 | 企業家精神、性別及企業存活發展:台灣小型家庭企業之研究(科技部專題研究計畫2012-2014年專題研究計畫報告) | 呂玉瑕 | 企業家精神、性別及企業存活發展:台灣小型家庭企業之研究(科技部專題研究計畫2012-2014年專題研究計畫報告), 21 | | | |
1979 | 傳統工作態度及其變遷之研究 | 李亦園; 呂玉瑕 | 台灣人力資源會議論文集 (台北市 : 中央研究院經濟研究所) | | | |
1996 | 兩性的角色分工與家庭發展 | 呂玉瑕 | 基督書院學報 第3期,頁91-100 | | | |
1995 | 兩性的角色分工與家庭發展 | 呂玉瑕 | 1994「與全球同步跨越世紀」系列硏討會實錄 (台北市 : 救國團社會研究院) | | | |