Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2019 | Bian Que Dissatisfied-Current Dabate over Key Issues of Chinese Medicine History | Jianmin Li | ICHSEA 2019: 15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (Jeonju : Chonbuk National University) | | | |
- | Bian Que’s twelve channels?----Using excavated cultural relics as a way of understanding early Chinese medicine | Jianmin Li | Asian Medicine | | | |
- | Bianque, les origines et les premiers styles de la différence dans l'histoire de la médecine chinoise—— Post l'École du « doute de l'antiquité » | Jianmin Li | Aux origines de lamédecine d’orient en occident (Paris : les Belles Lettres) | | | |
1999 | Contagion and its Consequences : The Problem of Death Pollution in Ancient China | Li, Jianmin | Medicine and the history of the body : proceedings of the 20th, 21st and 22nd International Symposium on the Comparative History of Medicine : east and west (Tokyo : Ishiyaku EuroAmerica) | | | |
2001 | Great Display: A Note on Human Dissection and Spectacle in Han China | Li, Jianmin | The Imagination of the Body and the History of Bodily Experience (京都 : 國際日本文化研究中心) | | | |
2001 | Introduzione all'arte dei pronostici | Li, Jianmin | Stroia della Scienza (Rome : Instituto della Encicloped) | | | |
2010 | Manuscripts, received texts and the healing arts | Li, Jianmin ; Lo, Vivienne | China’s Early Empires: A Re-appraisal (New York : Cambridge University Press) | | | |
2017 | On Method: In Light of Tian Hui(天回)Laoguanshan(老官山) Tomb’s Medical Findings | Jianmin Li | Chinese Medical Culture 2, 4-10 | | | |
2006 | The Animation of the Body: Dumai (the Central Vessel) and the Formation of the Conception of the Male Body in Early China | Li, Jianmin | Significant research achievements of Academia Sinica (2005-2006) (Taipei : Academia Sinica) | | | |
2009 | They Shall Expel Demons: Etiology, the Medical Canon and the Transformation of Medical Techniques Before the Tang | Li, Jianmin | Early Chinese Religion, Part One: Shang through Han (1250BC-220AD), vol.2 (Leiden‧Boston : Brill) | | | |
2016 | ‘양시(羊矢)’라는 수수께기와 중국 의학의 근육 신체관 | 李建民 | 韓國《醫哲學研究》(의철학연구) 22卷,頁159-191 | | | |
2003 | 「㕮咀」箋證-兼論古代「嘗藥」禮俗 | 李建民 | 簡帛研究彙刊‧第一輯-第一屆簡帛學術討論會論文集 (臺北 : 中國文化大學史學系簡帛學文教基金會籌備處) | | | |
1998 | 一個新領域的摸索——記史語所「生命醫療史研究室」的緣起 | 李建民 | 古今論衡 創刊號,頁58-62 | | | |
1997 | 中國古代「禁方」考論 | 李建民 | 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第68本第1分,頁117-166 | | | |
1994 | 中國古代掩朇禮俗考 | 李建民 | 清華學報 第24卷第3期,頁319-343 | | | |
1993 | 中國古代游藝史-樂舞百戲與社會生活之研究 | 李建民 | 台北市 | | | |
2003 | 中國古代醫學的形成(編譯) | 山田慶兒著; 廖育群; 李建民編譯 | 台北市 | | | |
1999 | 中國古代針具考 | 李建民 | 中華現代針灸會訊 第2卷第2期,頁9-52 | | | |
2015 | 中國史新論.醫療史分冊 | 李建民 | 台北市 | | | |
1999 | 中國方術史上的形影觀 | 李建民 | 臺大歷史學報 第23期,頁279-299 | | | |