Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | Observation of Spin Correlation in ttbar Events from pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector | The ATLAS Collaboration | Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 212001 | | | |
2020 | Observation of the associated production of a top quark and a Z boson in pp collisions at s√= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of High Energy Physics 2020, 124 | | | |
2023 | Observation of the 𝛾𝛾→𝜏𝜏 Process in Pb+Pb Collisions and Constraints on the 𝜏-Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment with the ATLAS Detector | S. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Physical Review Letters 131, 151802 | | | |
2022 | Observation of WWW Production in pp Collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Physical Review Letters 129(6), 061803 | | | |
2024 | Observation of Wγγ triboson production in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector | S. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Physics Letters B 848, 138400 | | | |
2014 | Operation and Performance of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker | The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014) P08009 | | | |
2022 | Operation and performance of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker in LHC Run 2 | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of Instrumentation 17, P01013 | | | |
2020 | Operation of the ATLAS trigger system in Run 2 | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of Instrumentation 15, P10004 | | | |
2021 | Optimisation of large-radius jet reconstruction for the ATLAS detector in 13 TeV proton–proton collisions | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | The European Physical Journal C 81, 334 | | | |
2013 | Performance of jet substructure techniques for large-R jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector | The ATLAS Collaboration | JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 09, 076 | | | |
2012 | Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction in proton-proton collisions at s√=7 TeV with ATLAS | S. C. Lin ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | The European Physical Journal C 72, 1844 | | | |
2018 | Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction with the ATLAS detector using proton–proton collisions at s√=13 TeV | The ATLAS Collaboration | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 78:903 | | | |
2022 | Performance of the ATLAS Level-1 topological trigger in Run 2 | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | The European Physical Journal C 82, 7 | | | |
2020 | Performance of the ATLAS muon triggers in Run 2 | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of Instrumentation 15, P09015 | | | |
2021 | Performance of the ATLAS RPC detector and Level-1 muon barrel trigger at √(s)=13 TeV | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of Instrumentation 16, P07029 | | | |
2012 | Performance of the ATLAS Trigger System in 2010 | S. C. Lin ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | The European Physical Journal C 72, 1849 | | | |
2020 | Performance of the missing transverse momentum triggers for the ATLAS detector during Run-2 data taking | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of High Energy Physics 2020, 80 | | | |
2023 | Performance of the reconstruction of large impact parameter tracks in the inner detector of ATLAS | S. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | The European Physical Journal C 83, 1081 | | | |
2020 | Performance of the upgraded PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | Journal of Instrumentation 15, P11016 | | | |
2019 | Performance of top-quark and WW-boson tagging with ATLAS in Run 2 of the LHC | S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration | The European Physical Journal C 79, 375 | | | |