Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2021 | Aquatic microbial community is partially functionally redundant: Insights from an in situ reciprocal transplant experiment | Tandon, Kshitij; Wan, Min-Tao; Yang, Chia-Chin; Yang, Shan-Hua; Baatar, Bayanmunkh; Chiu, Chih-Yu ; Tsai, Jeng-Wei; Liu, Wen-Cheng; Ng, Chen Siang; Tang, Sen-Lin | Science of The Total Environment 786, 147433 | | | |
2020 | Assessing impacts of metallic contamination along the tidal gradient of a riverine mangrove: multi-metal bioaccumulation and biomagnification of filter-feeding bivalves | Yam, R.S.W.; Fan, Y.T.; Tan, Z.; Wang, T.D.; Chiu, C.Y. | Forests 11(5), 504 | | | |
2020 | Biogeochemical processes of C and N in the soil of mangrove forest ecosystems | Shiau, Y.J.; Chiu, C.Y. | Forests 11(5), 492 | | | |
2021 | Biogeographic Changes in Forest Soil Microbial Communities of Offshore Islands—A Case Study of Remote Islands in Taiwan | Chang, Ed-Haun; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Jien, Shih-Hao; Tian, Guanglong; Chiu, Chih-Yu | Forests 12(1), 4 | | | |
2021 | Composition and Activity of N2-Fixing Microorganisms in Mangrove Forest Soils | Shiau, Yo-Jin; Lin, Yu-Te; Yam, Rita S. W.; Chang, Ed-Haun; Wu, Jhe-Ming; Hsu, Tsu-Hsuan; Chiu, Chih-Yu | Forests 12(7), 822 | | | |
2021 | Dynamics of methane in mangrove forest: will it worsen with decreasing mangrove forests? | Arai, H.; Inubushi, K.; Chiu, C.Y. | Forests 12(9), 1204 | | | |
2021 | Functional response of the soil microbial community to biochar applications | Xu, Wenhuan; Whitman, William B.; Gundale, Michael J.; Chien, Chuan‐Chi; Chiu, Chih‐Yu | GCB Bioenergy 13(1), 269-281 | | | |
2020 | Improvements in soil C and N compositions after 40 and 80 years of reforestation in subtropical low mountain forests | Shiau, Y.J.; Chang, E.H.; Tian, G.; Chen, T.H.; Chiu, C.Y. | Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 125(9), e2019JG005598 | | | |
2021 | Influence of thermal stratification on seasonal net ecosystem production and dissolved inorganic carbon in a shallow subtropical lake | Lin, H.C.; Chiu, C.Y. ; Tsai, J.W.; Liu, W.C.; Tada, K.; Nakayama, K. | Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 126(4), e2020JG005907 | | | |
2019 | Influence of thorny bamboo plantations on soil microbial biomass and community structure in subtropical badland soils | Chang, E.H.; Tian, G.; Shiau, Y.J.; Chen, T.H.; Chiu, C.Y. | Forests 10(10), 854 | | | |
2019 | Investigating suspended-sediment transport in a shallow lake using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment model | Liu, W.C.; Liu, H.M.; Chiu, C.Y. | Journal of Earth System Science 128, 29 | | | |
2020 | Niche differentiation of active methane-oxidizing bacteria in estuarine mangrove forest soils in Taiwan | Shiau, Y.J.; Lin, C.W.; Cai, Y.; Jia, Z.; Lin, Y.T.; Chiu, C.Y. | Microorganisms 8(8), 1248 | | | |
2019 | Response of humic acids and soil organic matter to vegetation replacement in subtropical high mountain forests | Wang, H.C.; Tian, G.; Chen, C.P.; Chang, E.H.; Chou, C.Y.; Chiou, C.R.; Chiu, C.Y. | Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 124(12), 3727-3736 | | | |
2021 | Soil bacterial communities at the treeline in subtropical alpine areas | Lin, Yu-Te; Whitman, William B.; Coleman, David C.; Jien, Shih-Hao; Wang, Hsueh-Ching; Chiu, Chih-Yu | Catena 201, 105205 | | | |
2019 | Structure and diversity of soil bacterial communities in offshore islands | Lin, Y.T.; Lin, Y.F.; Tsai, I.J. ; Chang, E.H.; Jien, S.H.; Lin, Y.J.; Chiu, C.Y. | Scientific Reports 9, 4689 | | | |
2020 | Terrestrial loads of dissolved organic matter drive inter-annual carbon flux in subtropical lakes during times of drought | Chiu, C.Y. ; Jones, J.R.; Rusak, J.A.; Lin, H.C; Nakayama, K.; Kratz, T.K.; Liu, W.C.; Tang, S.L. ; Tsai, J.W. | Science of the Total Environment 717, 137052 | | | |
2021 | The impacts of the hydraulic retention effect and typhoon disturbance on the carbon flux in shallow subtropical mountain lakes | Lin, Hao-Chi; Tsai, Jeng-Wei; Tada, Kazufumi; Matsumoto, Hiroki; Chiu, Chih-Yu ; Nakayama, Keisuke | Science of The Total Environment 803, 150044 | | | |