Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2007 | 02.知識饗宴「從日常接觸看社會資本」 | 傅仰止 | | | | |
2008 | 03.知識饗宴系列04電子書 | 翁啟惠總策畫 ; 許倬雲; 傅仰止 ; 黃樹民 ; 許雪姬 ; 李有成; 陳定信; 伍焜玉; 鄭天佐; 陳力俊; 馬國鳳; 吳金洌; 陳義裕 | 台北市 | | | |
2013 | A Cross-national Comparative Study Based on Contact Diaries Recorded in Hungary and Taiwan | Beata, David; Huszti, Eva; Fu, Yang-Chih | | | | |
2016 | Alters as species: predicting personal network size from contact diaries | Tso-Jung Yen; Yang-chih Fu ; Jing-Shiang Hwang | SOCIAL NETWORKS 45, 78-88 | | | |
2013 | Alters as Species: Predicting Personal Network Size with Accumulation Curves | Yen, Tso-Jung; Fu, Yang-chih ; Hwang, Jing-Shiang | | | | |
2013 | An Interactive Visualitzation Framework for Studying Egocentric, Categorical, Contact Diary Datasets. | Bryan, Chris; Ma, Kwan-Liu; Fu, Yang-chih | | | | |
2015 | Analysis of ClickDiary Data: Some Initial Results | Tso-Jung Yen ; Ta-Chien Chan ; Yang-Chih Fu ; Jing-Shiang Hwang | | | | |
2016 | Analyzing Personal Happiness from Global Survey and Weather Data: A Geospatial Approach | Yi-Fan Peng; Jia-Hong Tang; Yang-chih Fu ; I-chun Fan ; Maw-Kae Hor; Ta-Chien Chan | PLOS ONE 11(4): e0153638 | | | |
2016 | Attitudes Toward Labor Migrants, Live-in Care Workers, and Skilled Migrants in a New Immigrant Destination: Does Social Contact Matter? | Hsin-Chieh Chang; Fu, Yang-Chih | | | | |
2016 | Attitudinal Bases of Pro-Environmental Behaviors in Household and Community: Rural-Urban Differences in Taiwan | Kuo, Hui-Ju; Fu, Yang-Chih | | | | |
2014 | Changing Social Contact Patterns under Tropical Weather Conditions Relevant for the Spread of Infectious Diseases | Chan, Ta-Chien; Fu, Yang-Chih ; Hwang, Jing-Shiang | EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION 143(2), 440-451 | | | |
2017 | Citizenship Norms and Social Capital: Interpersonal Trust, Group Participation, and Daily Contacts | Fu, Yang-Chih | | | | |
2017 | Civic Discussion in an Emergent Democracy: A Decade’s Comparison on Voting and Assessment of Government | Fu, Yang-Chih ; Lee, Zong-Rong; Chang, Ming-Yi | | | | |
2007 | Civic Discussion, Political Participation, and Performance Assessment of Government: The Case of Taiwan | Lee, Zong-rong; Fu, Yang-chih | | | | |
1985 | Classical Sociologists On the Individual and Social Order | Fu, Yang-chih | Journal of Social Science 33, 361-380 | | | |
2015 | ClickDiary: Online Tracking of Heatlh Behaviors and Mood | Chan, Ta-Chien ; Tso-Jung Yen ; Yang-chih Fu ; Jing-Shiang Hwang | JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 17(6), e147 | | | |
2014 | Constructing the Strength of Ties Index from Comparative Contact Diaries | David, Beata; Huszti, Eva; Barna, Ildiko; Fu, Yang-Chih | | | | |
2007 | Contact Diaries: Building Archives of Actual and Complete Personal Networks | Fu, Yang-chih | Field Methods 19(2), 194-217 | | | |
2017 | Contact Preference on Social Media: A Novel Approach to Rank Network Positions | Hwai-Chung Ho ; Yang-chi Fu ; Ming-yi Chang; Wei-Chung Liu | | | | |
2016 | Contact Trees: Network Visualization beyond Nodes and Edges | Sallaberry, Arnaud; Yang-chih Fu ; Hwai-Chung Ho ; Kwan-Liu Ma | PLOS ONE 11(2), e0146368 | | | |