Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2006 | 03.知識饗宴系列02電子書 | 賴明詔; 沈志陽; 李定國; 沈元壤; 劉炯朗; 邢義田 ; 劉翠溶 ; 陳永發; 朱雲漢; 吳玉山 ; 何大安; 周英雄 | 台北市 | | | |
1995 | A Comparison of Lineage Populations in South China, ca. 1300-1900 | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Chinese Historical Microdemography, Chapter 4, pp. 94-120 (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London : University of California Press) | | |  |
2000 | A Preliminary Study on Taiwan's Forest Reserves in the Japanese Colonial Period: A Legacy of Environmental Conservation | Liu, Ts’ui-jung ; Liu, Shi-yung | 臺灣史研究 第6卷第1 期,頁1-34 | | |  |
1985 | A Reappraisal of the Functions of the Granary System in Ch'ing China (1644-1911) | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Les Techniques de conservation des grains à long terme(Paris : Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) | | | |
2013 | A Retrospection of Climate Changes and their Impacts in Chinese History | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Nature, Environment and culture in East Asia, pp. 107-136 (Leiden: Brill) | | |  |
1986 | Agricultural Changes and Population Growth: A Brief Survey on the Case of China in Historical Perspective | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Academia Economic Papers Vol.14, No.1, pp.29-68 | | |  |
1977 | An Analysis of the Land Tax Burden in China, 1650-1865 | Liu, Ts’ui-jung ; Fei, John C. H. | Journal of Economic History 37(2), 359-381 | | |  |
2001 | Asian Population History | Liu, Ts’ui-jung ; Lee, James; Reher, David; Saito, Osamu; Wang, Feng | Oxford | | | |
1990 | China’s Market Economy in Transition | Lee, Yung-san; Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Taipei | | | |
1978 | Chinese Genealogies as A Source for the Study of Historical Demography | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Studies & Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Academia Sinica《中央研究院成立五十周年紀念論文集》pp. 849-870 (Taipei : Academia Sinica) | | |  |
2011 | Climate Changes and Water Resources in Taiwan History | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | | | | |
2007 | Connections between Taiwan Indigenous History and the Pacific Islands | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | | | |  |
1990 | Demographic Aspects of Urbanization in the Lower Yangzi Region of China, c. 1500-1900 | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Urbanization in History: A Process of Dynamic Interactions (Oxford : Clarendon Press) | | |  |
1995 | Demographic Constraint and Family Structure in Traditional Chinese Lineages, ca.1200-1900 | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Chinese Historical MicrodempgraphyChapter 5, pp. 121-140 (Berrkeley, Los Angeles, and Lond : University of California Press) | | |  |
2010 | Determinants of Reconstruction after Major Earthquakes in Taiwan | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Demographic Responses to Economic and Environmental Crises, pp. 172-192. (Kashiwa, Japan: Reitaku University) | | |  |
2009 | Determinants of Reconstruction after Major Earthquakes in Taiwan | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | | | |  |
1970 | Dike Construction in Ching-chou: A Study Based on the "T'i-fang chih" Section of the Ching-chou fu-chih | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | Papers on China Vol. 23, pp. 1-28 | | |  |
2009 | Disease and Environment: Implications of Clonorchiasis Infection in Taiwan and Mainland China | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | | | |  |
2009 | Disease and Environment: Implications of Clonorchiasis Infection in Taiwan and Mainland China | Liu, Ts’ui-jung | | | | |
2001 | Disease and Mortality in the History of Taiwan | Liu, Ts’ui-jung ; Liu, Shi-yung | Asian Population History, Chapter 12, pp. 248-269 (Oxford : Oxford University Press) | | |  |