2022 | Incorporating progesterone receptor expression into the PREDICT breast prognostic model | Grootes, I; Keeman, R; Blows, FM; Milne, RL; Giles, GG; Swerdlow, AJ; Fasching, PA; Abubakar, M; Andrulis, IL; Anton-Culver, H; Beckmann, MW; Blomqvist, C; Bojesen, SE; Bolla, MK; Bonanni, B; Briceno, I; Burwinkel, B; Camp, NJ; Castelao, JE; Choi, JY; Clarke, CL; Couch, FJ; Cox, A; Cross, SS; Czene, K; Devilee, P; Dork, T; Dunning, AM; Dwek, M; Easton, DF; Eccles, DM; Eriksson, M; Ernst, K; Evans, DG; Figueroa, JD; Fink, V; Floris, G; Fox, S; Gabrielson, M; Gago-Dominguez, M; Garcia-Saenz, JA; Gonzalez-Neira, A; Haeberle, L; Haiman, CA; Hall, P; Hamann, U; Harkness, EF; Hartman, M; Hein, A; Hooning, MJ; Hou, MF; Howell, SJ; Ito, H; Jakubowska, A; Janni, W; John, EM; Jung, A; Kang, D; Kristensen, VN; Kwong, A; Lambrechts, D; Li, J; Lubinski, J; Manoochehri, M; Margolin, S; Matsuo, K; Taib, NAM; Mulligan, AM; Nevanlinna, H; Newman, WG; Offit, K; Osorio, A; Park, SK; Park-Simon, TW; Patel, AV; Presneau, N; Pylkas, K; Rack, B; Radice, P; Rennert, G; Romero, A; Saloustros, E; Sawyer, EJ; Schneeweiss, A; Schochter, F; Schoemaker, MJ; Shen, CY ; Shibli, R; Sinn, P; Tapper, WJ; Tawfiq, E; Teo, SH; Teras, LR; Torres, D; Vachon, CM; van Deurzen, CHM; Wendt, C; Williams, JA; Winqvist, R; Elwood, M; Schmidt, MK; Garcia-Closas, M; Pharoah, PDP | European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 173, 178-193 | | | |
2022 | Polygenic risk scores for prediction of breast cancer risk in Asian populations | Ho, WK; Tai, MC; Dennis, J; Shu, X; Li, J; Ho, PJ; Millwood, IY; Lin, K; Jee, YH; Lee, SH; Mavaddat, N; Bolla, MK; Wang, Q; Michailidou, K; Long, J; Wijaya, EA; Hassan, T; Rahmat, K; Tan, VKM; Tan, BKT; Tan, SM; Tan, EY; Lim, SH; Gao, YT; Zheng, Y; Kang, D; Choi, JY; Han, W; Lee, HB; Kubo, M; Okada, Y; Namba, S; Park, SK; Kim, SW; Shen, CY ; Wu, PE; Park, B; Muir, KR; Lophatananon, A; Wu, AH; Tseng, CC; Matsuo, K; Ito, H; Kwong, A; Chan, TL; John, EM; Kurian, AW; Iwasaki, M; Yamaji, T; Kweon, SS; Aronson, KJ; Murphy, RA; Koh, WP; Khor, CC; Yuan, JM; Dorajoo, R; Walters, RG; Chen, Z; Li, L; Lv, J; Jung, KJ; Kraft, P; Pharoah, PDB; Dunning, AM; Simard, J; Shu, XO; Yip, CH; Taib, NAM; Antoniou, AC; Zheng, W; Hartman, M; Easton, DF; Teo, SH | Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 24(3), 586-600 | | | |