Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2018 | A First‐Layered Crustal Velocity Model for the Western Solomon Islands: Inversion of the Measured Group Velocity of Surface Waves Using Ambient Noise | Ku, Chin-Shang; Kuo, Yu-Ting; Chao, Wei-An; You, Shuei-Huei; Huang, Bor-Shouh ; Chen, Yue-Gau; Taylor, Frederick W.; Wu, Yih-Min | Seismological Research Letters 89(6), 2274-2283 | | | |
2017 | A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw = 6.4) | Kanamori, Hiroo; Ye, Lingling; Huang, Bor-Shouh ; Huang, Hsin-Hua; Lee, Shiann-Jong; Liang, Wen-Tzong ; Lin, Yen-Yu; Ma, Kuo-Fong; Wu, Yih-Min; Yeh, Te-Yang | Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 28(5), 637-650 | | | |
2023 | Active Faults Revealed and New Constraints on Their Seismogenic Depth from a High‐Resolution Regional Focal Mechanism Catalog in Myanmar (2016–2021) | Fadil, W.; S. Wei; K. Bradley; Y. Wang; Y. He; E. Sandvol; B. S. Huang ; J. Hubbard; M. Thant; Y. M. M. Htwe | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 113(2), 613-635 | | | |
2019 | Anisotropic Rayleigh-wave phase velocity maps of the Sunda Plate | Legendre, Cédric P.; Deffontaines, Benoit; Huang, Bor-Shouh ; Lee, Hsin-Yu; Chang, Emmy T.Y. | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 187, 104094 | | | |
2022 | Characteristics and impact of environmental shaking in the Taipei metropolitan area | Kate Huihsuan Chen; Ting-Chen Yeh; Yaochieh Chen; Christopher W. Johnson; Cheng-Horng Lin ; Ya-Chuan Lai; Min-Hung Shih; Philippe Guéguen; Win-Gee Huang ; Bor-Shouh Huang ; Kou-Cheng Chen ; Chin-Jen Lin ; Chin-Shang Ku | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12, 743 | | | |
2022 | Characteristics of earthquake source and ground motions in Northern Vietnam investigated through the 2020 Moc Chau M5.0 earthquake sequence | Nguyen, C. N.; V. D. Nguyen; L. M. Nguyen; V. B. Phung; B. S. Huang ; A. D. Nguyen; Q. K. Le; T. G. Ha; D. Q. Van; H. V. Long; P. F. Chen | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 229, 105144 | | | |
2016 | Characteristics on fault coupling along the Solomon megathrust based on GPS observations from 2011 to 2014 | Kuo, Y. T.; C. S. Ku; Y. G. Chen; Y. Wang; Y. N. N. Lin; R. Y. Chuang; Y. J. Hsu ; F. W. Taylor; B. S. Huang ; H. Tung | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 43(16), 8519-8526 | | | |
2019 | Co-seismic geomagnetic fluctuations and atmospheric disturbances during the 2018 M 6.2 Hualien Earthquake | Cheng, C.R.; J.Y. Liu; C.H. Chen; T.Y. Wu; H.Y. Yen; S. Wen; B.S. Haung ; C.H. Lin ; C.M. Lin; H.H. Hsieh | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 30(3), 449-465 | | | |
2017 | Complex deformation in the Caucasus region revealed by ambient noise seismic tomography | Legendre, Cédric P.; Tseng, Tai-Lin; Chen, Ying-Nien; Huang, Tzu-Ying; Gung, Yuan-Cheng; Karakhanyan, Arkadiy; Huang, Bor-Shouh | Tectonophysics 712-713, 208-220 | | | |
2017 | Complex Wave Propagation Revealed by Peak Ground Velocity Maps in the Caucasus Area | Legendre, C. P.; Tseng, T. L.; Mittal, H.; Hsu, C.‐H.; Karakhanyan, A.; Huang, B. S. | Seismological Research Letters 88(3), 812-821 | | | |
2022 | Correcting the Background Tilt Signal of the Horizontal Seismometer Using a Rotation Sensor | Chin-Jen Lin ; Chin-Shang Ku; Tsung-Chih Chi; Bor-Shouh Huang ; Hsin-Hua Huang ; Chun-Chi Liu | SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 93(3), 1564-1572 | | | |
2021 | Crustal footprint of mantle upwelling and plate amalgamation revealed by ambient noise tomography in northern Vietnam and the northern South China Sea | Yang, X.; H. Yao; B. S. Huang | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 126(2), e2020JB020593 | | | |
2021 | Crustal structure and upper mantle anisotropy of the Afar triple junction | Kumar, U.; C. P. Legendre; B. S. Huang | Earth, Planets Space 73, 166 | | | |
2020 | Deep crust analysis beneath northern Vietnam by using receiver functions: Implications for SE Asia continental extrusion | Nguyen, V. D.; B. S. Huang ; Y. C. Lai; L. M. Nguyen; T. S. Le; V. T. Dinh; K. L. Wen; H. P. Lai | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 31(4), 273-282 | | | |
2024 | Deep learning-based earthquake catalog reveals the seismogenic structures of the 2022 MW 6.9 Chihshang earthquake sequence | Sun, Wei-Fang; Pan, Sheng-Yan; Huang, Chun-Ming; Guan, Zhuo-Kang; Yen, I-Chin; Ho, Chun-Wei; Chi, Tsung-Chih; Ku, Chin-Shang; Huang, Bor-Shouh ; Fu, Ching-Chou ; Kuo-Chen Hao | Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 35(1), 5 | | | |
2023 | Dynamic Characteristics of TAIPEI 101 Skyscraper from Rotational and Translation Seismometers | Yaochieh Chen; Philippe Guéguen; Kate Huihsuan Chen; Chin-Jen Lin ; Chin-Shang Ku; Win-Gee Huang ; Bor-Shouh Huang ; Kou-Cheng Chen | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 113(2), 690-709 | | | |
2009 | Effects of realistic surface topography on seismic ground motion in the Yangminshan region of Taiwan based upon the Spectral-Element Method and LiDAR DTM | Lee, S. J. ; Chan, Y. C. ; Komatitsch, D.; Huang, B. S. ; Tromp, J. | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 99(2A), 681-693 | | | |
2024 | Geotectonic architecture beneath Northern Vietnam revealed by local earthquake tomography combining seismic data from multiple networks | Long, H. V.; H.-H. Huang ; L. M. Nguyen; B.-S. Huang ; N. V. Duong; T. G. Ha; Q. K. Le; Q. V. Dinh; T. S. Le; N. T. Hung; C. N. Nguyen; K. Smith^; T. T. Pham | TECTONOPHYSICS 884, 230402 | | | |
2020 | Ground motion prediction equation for Taiwan subduction zone earthquakes | Phung, V. B.; C. H. Loh; S. H. Chao; B. S. J. Chiou; B. S. Huang | EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA 36(3), 1331-1358 | | | |
2019 | Initial rupture processes of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake: From near-source seismic records | Gong, Meng; Xu, Xiwei; Shen, Yang; Huang, Bor-Shouh ; Li, Kang | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 173, 397-403 | | | |