公開日期 | 題名 | 作者 | 關聯 | scopus | WOS | 全文 |
1996 | A note on balanced generalized two-way elimination of heterogeneity designs. | Chai, F. S. | Statistics and Probability Letters 29 | | | |
1998 | A note on generalization of distinct representatives. | Chai, F. S. | Statistics and probability Letters 39 | | | |
1997 | A note on universally optimal row-column designs with empty nodes. | Ting, C. P.; Lin, B. Y.; Chai, F. S. | Statistics and Probability Letters 33 | | | |
2001 | A-optimal block designs for parallel line assays. | Chai, F. S. ; Das, A.; Dey, A. | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 96 | | | |
2002 | Block designs for asymmetric parallel line assays. | Chai, F. S. | Sankhya series B Part 2 64 | | | |
2003 | Block designs for symmetric parallel line assays with block size odd. | Chai, F. -S. ; Das, A.; Dey, A. | Sankhya, Series B Part 3, 689-703 | | | |
2019 | Characterization and Optimal Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments | F. S. Chai ; A. Das; S. Manna | Statistics and Applications 17(1), 85-103 | | | |
1995 | Construction and optimality of nearly linear trend-free designs. | Chai, F. S. | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 48 | | | |
- | Construction of magic rectangles of odd order | Chai, F. S. ; Das, A. | Construction of magic rectangles of odd order | | | |
2010 | Cross-over L-designs for symmetric parallel line assays | Chai, F. S. | | | | |
2007 | $E(s^2)$-optimal supersaturated designs for 2-level factors. | Chai, Feng-Shun | | | | |
2002 | Further results on orthogonal array plus one return plans. | Chai, F. S. ; Mukerjee, R.; Suen, C. Y. | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 106 | | | |
2009 | Generalized $E(s^2)$ criterion for multilevel supersaturated designs | Chai, Feng-Shun ; Kashinath, Chatterjee; Sudhir, Gupta | Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods 38(20), 3725-3735 | | | |
2009 | High efficient cross-over designs for bioassays | Chai, F. S. | | | | |
2001 | Nearly L-designs for symmetric parallel line assays. | Chai, F. S. ; Das, A. | Statistics and Applications 3 | | | |
2019 | Nearly magic rectangles | F. S. Chai ; R. Singh; J. Stufken | Journal of Combinatorial Designs 27(9), 562-567 | | | |
1993 | On the Yeh-Bradley conjecture on linear trend-free block designs. | Chai, F. S. ; Majumdar, D. | Annals of Statistics 21 | | | |
1999 | Optimal designs for diallel crosses with specific combining abilities. | Chai, F. S. ; Mukerjee, R. | Biometrika 86 | | | |
2000 | Optimal designs for nearest neighbor analysis. | Chai, F. S. ; Majumdar, D. | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 86 | | | |
2019 | Optimal paired choice block designs | R. Singh; A. Das; F. S. Chai | Statistica Sinica 29(3), 1419-1438 | | | |