公開日期 | 題名 | 作者 | 關聯 | scopus | WOS | 全文 |
2010 | 02.知識饗宴「21世紀台灣青少年的生命經驗與成長歷程」 | 伊慶春 | | | | |
2019 | 02.知識饗宴「邁入成年期:臺灣青少年轉大人的社會脈絡與成長歷程(1999-2019)」 | 伊慶春 | | | | |
2011 | 03.知識饗宴系列07電子書 | 陳文屏; 林志民; 陳銘憲; 彭信坤; 陳國棟; 羅紀琼; 潘文涵; 許重義; 伊慶春 ; 柯瓊芳; 李壬癸 ; 林毓生 | 台北市 | | | |
2017 | 2001年高中職多元入學方案對升學壓力、時間安排與課外活動和才藝表現的影響 | 劉家樺; 駱明慶; 伊慶春 | 經濟論文 第45卷第2期,頁165-206 | | | |
2011 | 21世紀台灣青少年的生命經驗與成長歷程 | 伊慶春 | 知識饗宴系列《7》, 系列7,頁215-252 | | | |
2013 | A comparative analysis of intergenerational relations in East Asia | Lin, Ju-Ping; Yi, Chin-Chun | INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY 28 (3), 297-315 | | | |
2008 | A Comparative Analysis of the Intergenerational Relations in Taiwan and Korea: Perspective from the Adult Children | Lin, Ju-Ping; Yi, Chin-Chun | | | | |
2010 | A Comparative Perspective on Intergenerational Relations in East Asia | Lu, Ju-Ping; Yi, Chin-Chun | | | | |
2006 | A Panel Study of the Yotuh Development in Taiwan | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Wu, Chyi-In ; Chang, Ying-Hwa | | | | |
1991 | A Status Report on the Social Image Survey in Taiwan | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Yang, Wen-Shan | | | | |
1994 | A Study of Family Structure and Marital Power in Taiwan | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Chang, Ying-Hwa | | | | |
1994 | A Study of the Change of Family Structure and Martial Power in Taiwan | Yi, Chin-Chun ; Chang, Ying-Hwa | | | | |
1987 | A Study of the Married Working Woman's Work Role and Her Child Care Arrangement | Yi, Chin-Chun | | | | |
2013 | Adolescent Internet Use and its Relationship to Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Use in Taiwan: Findings from a Prospective Cohort Study | Chiao, Chi; Yi, Chin-Chun | | | | |
2014 | Adolescent Internet use and its relationship to cigarette smoking and alcohol use: A prospective cohort study | Chiao, Chi; Yi, Chin-Chun ; Ksobiech, Kate | Addictive Behaviors 39(1), 7-12 | | | |
2011 | Adolescent Premarital Sex and Health Outcomes among Taiwanese Youth: Perception of Best Friends' Sexual Behavior and the Contextual Effect | Chiao, Chi; Yi, Chin-Chun | AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 23(9), 1083-1092 | | | |
2015 | Adolescents and Transition to Adulthood in Asia | Yi, Chin-Chun | Handbook of Families in Asia (USA : Routledge) | | | |
2021 | An Exploration of Individual, Familial, and Cultural Factors Associated with the Value of Children among Taiwanese Young Adults | Chen, Yu-Hua; Chin-Chun Yi | Child Indicators Research 14, 487-510 | | | |
2014 | Beyond involvements in romantic and sexual relationships: effects of self-esteem and parental distress on trajectories of adolescent psychological distress | Ksobiech, Kate; Chiao, Chi; Yi, Chin-Chun | Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 9(4), 353-364 | | | |
2014 | Beyond Involvements in Romantic and Sexual Relationships: Effects of Self-Esteem and Parental Distress on Trajectories of Adolescent Psychological Distress | Chi Chiao; Chin-Chun Yi ; Kate Ksobiech | | | | |