Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022Pleiotropic functions of chordin gene causing drastic morphological changes in ornamental goldfishChen, Hsiao-Chian; Wang, Chenyi; Li, Ing-Jia; Abe, Gembu; Ota, Kinya G. Scientific Reports 12(1), 19961
22021Problems, Challenges, and PerspectivesOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
32021Varieties of Goldfish MorphologyOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
42021Development of the Wild-Type GoldfishOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
52021Experimental NotesOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
62021IntroductionOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
72021Goldfish as an Experimental ModelOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
82021Evodevo Questions Related to Ornamental MorphologyOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
92021Development of Mutant Goldfish StrainsOta, Kinya G. Goldfish Development and Evolution (Singapore : Springer)
102020Editorial: EvoDevo research in AsiaSu, Y.H. ; Ota, K.G. Evolution & Development 22(6), 407-408
112019Embryonic and postembryonic development of the ornamental twin-tail goldfish.Li, IJ; Lee, SH; Abe, G; Ota, KG Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 248(4), 251-283