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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12020漢語動詞“拍、打”:華語與閩南語之比較蕭素英 한국어사 연구 第6輯,頁357-406
22019《蒙古字韻》中的漢語對音:以e、ė與非聲母h為例蕭素英 한국어사 연구 第5輯,頁323-350
32018中國大陸少數民族語文教育之政策與內蒙古民族語文教育民族語文教育之推行情況蕭素英 世界各國語文教育政策研究 (台北 : 國家教育研究院)
42018中國大陸少數民族語文教育之政策與內蒙古民族語文教育之推行情況蕭素英 世界各國語文教育政策研究(台北 : 國家教育研究院)
52016On case markers in Late Mongolian and Early Modern MongolianSu-ying Hsiao 
62015On complement clauses of utterance verbs in Manchu Veritable RecordsHsiao, Su-ying 
82015「《滿洲實錄》、《蒙語老乞大》、《清語老乞大》線上語料庫建置暨滿語、蒙古語動詞詞綴比較研究 (III)」期末報告蕭素英 科技部
92014Corpora, linguistic research and language teaching: an introduction of Min & Hakka Language Archives, Manchu-Mongolian Parallel Corpora, and Mongolian databases in Academia SinicaHsiao, Su-ying 
102014Corpora, databases and linguistic research: an introduction of Min and Hakka Language Archives and ASLingFieldHsiao, Su-ying 
112014A corpus-based diachronic study of Mongolian ‘say’ verbsHsiao, Su-ying 
122014「《滿洲實錄》、《蒙語老乞大》、《清語老乞大》線上語料庫建置暨滿語、蒙古語動詞詞綴比較研究 (II)」期末報告蕭素英 科技部
132014Manchu Laoqida and Mongolian Laoqida: A preliminary comparison of verb paradigmsHsiao, Su-ying 
152013Manchu-Mongolian-Chinese Laoqida Corpora Building and A Comparative Study of Verbal suffixes in Manchu and MongolianHsiao, Su-ying 
162013The Representation of Time in Asian Languages, LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 14.6Hsiao, Su-ying Taipei
172013’Say’ verbs in Mongolic languages: a cross-linguistic perspectiveHsiao, Su-ying 
182013語言與非物質文化遺產:兼談中研院蒙古文《格斯爾》語料庫蕭素英 ; 那順烏日圖
192013A comparative study of expressions of gender in Manchu Veritable Records, Mongolian Laoqida and Manchu LaoqidaHsiao, Su-ying 
202013Verbs of saying in Mongolian, Manchu and Chinese versions of NogeoldaeHsiao, Su-ying 
212013「《滿洲實錄》、《蒙語老乞大》、《清語老乞大》線上語料庫建置暨滿語、蒙古語動詞詞綴比較研究」期末報告蕭素英 行政院國家科學委員會, 87 p.
222012A Comparative Study of Verbal Paradigms in Manchu and Mongolian LaoqidaHsiao, Su-ying 
232012A Statistical study of Nominative/Genitive alternation in Modern Khalkha Mongolian Relative ClausesHsiao, Su-ying 
242012以中研院語言典藏資料為基的「說」類動詞跨語言考察魏培泉; 陳昭容 ; 江敏華; 蕭素英 ; 曾淑娟 ; 齊莉莎
252012「北京木刻版與隆福寺手抄本蒙古文《格斯爾》語言研究」研究成果報告(完整版)蕭素英 行政院國家科學委員會
262012閩南語“行、步、走”的語意分布與衍生辭彙在華語區的擴散蕭素英 臺灣語文研究 第7卷第1期,頁87-127
272012Nominative/Genitive alternation in Modern Inner Mongolian Relative Clauses: A Statistical PerspectiveHsiao, Su-ying Linguistic Research 29(2),351-380
282011A diachronic study of Mongolian grammatical temporal systemHsiao, Su-ying 
292011Two types of post-head relative clauses in the Secret History of the MongolsHsiao, Su-ying 
302011Lexical characteristics of the 1716 wood-block and the Longfusi versions of Mongolian GeserHsiao, Su-ying 
312011Diversity of Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Feng-fu Tsao on the Occasion of his RetirementChung, Raung-fu; Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan; Cheng, Ying; Hsiao, Su-ying ; Liu, Hsiu-HsuehTaipei
322011Indefinite 'how' in Taiwan Southern Min: a study of án-tsuáⁿ, guā and siáⁿHsiao, Su-ying Diversity of Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Feng-fu Tsao on the Occasion of his Retirement (Taipei : Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.)
332011近現代閩南語中“步“之詞彙變化蕭素英 ; 蔡瑋芬二十一世紀初葉兩岸四地漢語變異 (台北 : 新學林)
342010Linguistic characteristics of the 1716 Beijing woodblock version of Mongolian Geser: A preliminary StudyHsiao, Su-ying ; Nasunurtu
352010語料庫為本的閩南語詞彙變化研究:以行、步、走為例蕭素英 ; 余瓊怡
362010On a rubbing with an Uighur-like script in the Fu Ssu-nien Library of Academia SinicaHsiao, Su-ying 
372010蒙古語時間語法系統歷時研究(Ⅲ)研究成果報告(精簡版)蕭素英 國科會,26p.
382010Finiteness and Subject case marking in Mongolian relative clausesHsiao, Su-ying 
392010語料庫建置流程蕭素英 語料庫建置入門數位化工作流程指南, 26-31
402010後設資料與相關國際標準蕭素英 ; 詹景勛語料庫建置入門數位化工作流程指南, 14-25
412009Nominative Genitive alternations and the finiteness of relative clauses in Japanese and MongolianHsiao, Su-ying 
422009近現代閩南語中「步」之詞彙變化蕭素英 ; 蔡瑋芬
432009Head Internal Relative clauses in the Secret History of the MongolsHsiao, Su-ying 
442009蒙古語時間語法系統歷時研究(Ⅱ)研究成果報告(精簡版)蕭素英 國科會,24p.
452009The analytic-synthetic cycle and Mongolian historical syntaxHsiao, Su-ying Proceedings of the Second International Conference: Past and Present of the Mongolic peoples (Tokyo : Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
462009語言與非物質文化遺產蕭素英 無形文化資產保存動力論壇2008:無形文化的口傳藝術, 56-63
482008Relative Clauses in Modern MongolianHsiao, Su-ying 
492008書評 W. South Coblin: A Handbook of  'Phags-pa Chinese蕭素英 漢學研究, 第26卷第1期,頁289-296
502008蒙古語時間語法系統歷時研究研究成果報告(精簡版)蕭素英 國科會,19p.
512007The analytic-synthetic cycle and Mongolian historical syntaxHsiao, Su-ying 
522007Non-Past verbal suffixes in Mongolian: A historical perspectiveHsiao, Su-ying 
532007閩客雜居地區居民的語言傳承:以新竹縣新豐鄉為例蕭素英 語言暨語言學 第8卷第3期,頁667-710
542007Holo話與客家話的活力:從聯合國教科文組織語言活力與瀕危度的評估準則談起蕭素英 語言政策的多元文化思考 (台北 : 中央研究院語言學研究所)
552007辭彙競爭、不對稱與語法演變:蒙古語否定結構與時間系統的歷時演變蕭素英 語言暨語言學 第8卷第2期,頁495-517
562007「語言政策的多元文化思考」系列研討會紀要蕭素英 ; 張永利; 江敏華 語言政策的多元文化思考──「語言、社會與文化」系列叢書之二, 中央研究院語言學研究所「語言、社會與文化」系列叢書之二
572007語言政策的多元文化思考──「語言、社會與文化」系列叢書之二鄭錦全; 何大安; 蕭素英 ; 江敏華 ; 張永利台北
582006Language contact and lexical competition: Chinese impact on Mongolian negationsHsiao, Su-ying 
592006Paradigms of Mongolian verbs: a historical perspectiveHsiao, Su-ying 
612005蒙古語的否定與否定連用:歷時與共時研究(Ⅱ)成果報告(精簡版)蕭素英 國科會,14p.
632005Two Types of Negative Sensitive Expressions in ChineseHsiao, Su-ying 
642005〈辭彙競爭與語法演變:蒙古語否定詞ülü, ese 與 ügei的個案研究〉蕭素英 
652005蒙古語的否定與否定連用:歷時與共時研究研究成果報告(精簡版)蕭素英 國科會,13p.
662004新豐鄉的閩客方言蕭素英 ; 吳品慧; 鄭錦全; 蘇秀娟; 羅鳳珠
672004Mongolian negation and negative sensitivity: a preliminary studyHsiao, Su-ying 
692004Special Issue: Syntax and Semantics, Language and Linguistics 5.1Tsai, Wei-tien Dylan; Hsiao, Su-ying Taipei
702004On the syntax and semantics of two proportional correlative constructions in MongolianHsiao, Su-ying Mongolica 14(350):444-450
712003Stress in Inner Mongolian : A Morphological perspectiveHsiao, Su-ying 
722003蒙古語的aliba, yamarba, cu 初探蕭素英 
732003Causatives in Mongolic languages: A Morpho-phonological perspectiveHsiao, Su-ying 
742003On proportional correlative constructions in Chinese and MongolianHsiao, Su-ying Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature 1.1:239-267
752002論漢語兩種關聯句式的語法與語意曹逢甫; 蕭素英 語言暨語言學 第3卷第4期,頁811-838
762002Mongolian Proportional Correlative Constructions RevisitedHsiao, Su-ying 
772002On the syntax and semantics of two proportional correlative constructions in MongolianHsiao, Su-ying 
782002On-line Proceedings of GLOW in Asia 2002Hsiao, Su-ying Hsinchu
792002Negative Sensitivity in Chinese: A Comparative Study of Mandarin Chinese and Holo TaiwaneseHsiao, Su-ying National Tsing Hua University, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, 250 p.
802001On ‘Neg + what’ in Chinese: A preliminary surveyHsiao, Su-ying 
812001On indefinite how’s in Mandarin Chinese and Holo TaiwaneseHsiao, Su-ying 
822001Proceedings of the 2001 National Conference on LinguisticsTsai, Wei-tien Dylan; Hsiao, Su-ying Hsinchu
832000On the Licensing of existential wh-phrases and renhe ‘any’ in TaiwaneseHsiao, Su-ying 
841998On Negative-Polarity Sensitive Adverbs in Mandarin ChineseHsiao, Su-ying 
871998海陸客家話送氣聲母對聲調之影響初探蕭素英 Proceedings of the 1997 National Conference on English/American literature and linguistics (台北 : 文鶴出版有限公司)
881998蒙古秘史中的使動式蕭素英 一九九八全國英美文學、語言學論文研討會論文集 (台北 : 文鶴出版有限公司)
901996閩南語關聯句式lu2…lu2的語意與句法蕭素英 A Collection of winning papers of the 1996 Prize of Ministry of Education on Chinese dialects (新竹 : 國立清華大學)
911995台灣閩南語關聯句式lu2…lu2 之研究蕭素英 第一屆台灣語言國際研討會論文選集 (台北 : 文鶴出版有限公司)
921995扎魯特旗蒙古話音韻蕭素英 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第66本第1分,頁107-244
931995閩南語對等關連詞kah4、a7-(si7)、koh4、na2 的語意與語法蕭素英 台灣閩南語論文集 (台北 : 文鶴出版有限公司)
941994The Correlative Construction 'xedii...todii' in MongolianHsiao, Su-ying 
961993台灣閩南語關聯句式lu2…lu2 之研究蕭素英 
971992台灣閩南語關聯句式lu…lu之研究蕭素英 國立清華大學, 語言學研究所, 114 p.
98-A Diachronic Study of Negative Imperatives in Mongolic LanguagesSu-ying Hsiao Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Язык. Литература. Культура
99-One+Verbal Classifier’ as A Delimitative Aspect Marker in Taiwanese Southern MinMiao-Ling Hsieh; Su-ying Hsiao LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS
100-Relative clauses in the Secret History of the MongolsSu-ying Hsiao Хэл зохиол судлал