Results 1-118 of 118 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023政治經濟發展:台灣與東亞國家經驗的檢視吳親恩 ; 林奕孜問題與研究 第62卷第2期,頁1-54
22022影響臺灣威權時期政治案件判決的因素:事件類型、選舉與重大政經事件吳親恩 ; 彭士芬
32022香港最低工資政策:發展型福利資本主義的轉向?吳親恩 ; 練暐妍政治學報 第74期,頁65-106
42022政治經濟發展吳親恩 ; 林奕孜
52022Intra-executive Conflicts as a Way to Build Political Trust: Evidence from European Semi-Presidential CountriesWu, Chin-en ; Huang-Ting Yan
62022Air Quality Governance in China: Authoritarian Environmentalism and the Coal-to-Gas Switch CampaignChou, Chelsea C.; Terry Chih-Sung Teng; Chin-en Wu ; Kuan-Chen LeeAir Pollution Governance in East Asia (London : Routledge)
72022Regime Types and Winner-Loser Gaps in Support for Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chun-Ying ; Chin-en WuDemocratization 29(6), 1157-1175
82021社經背景、投票選擇與對民主改革之支持度—民主轉型期立委選舉之觀察吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第18卷第4期,頁1-42
102021The 26th World Congress of the International Political Science AssociationWu, Chin-en 
112021Campaign Finance in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
122021Introduction: Populism in Asian DemocraciesLee, Sook Jong; Chin-en Wu ; Kaustuv Kanti BandyopadhyayPopulism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and Impacts (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill)
132021Conclusion: Sources and Features of Asian DemocraciesWu, Chin-en ; Sook Jong Lee; Kaustuv Kanti BandyopadhyayPopulism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and Impacts (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill)
142021Populism in Taiwan: A Bottom-Up ModelWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han ChuPopulism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and Impacts (Leiden, Netherlands : Brill)
152021Populism in Asian Democracies: Features, Structures, and ImpactsLee, Sook Jong; Chin-en Wu ; Kaustuv Kanti BandyopadhyayLeiden, Netherlands
162020社會信任何時會促進治理改革: 政權類型的作用吳親恩 ; 周廣宣
172020政權類型與經濟改革吳親恩 ; 李晨心
182020香港最低工資調整的政治經濟分析吳親恩 ; 練暐妍
192020Social Media, Disinformation, and Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Taiwan Foundation for DemocracySocial Media, Disinformation and Democracy in Asia: Country Cases (South Korea : Asia Democracy Research Network)
202019Social Media, Disinformation, and Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
212019Equality of Opportunity and Satisfaction with the Political System: The Mediating Role of Regime TypeChu, Yun-han; Chin-en Wu Inequality and Democratic Politics in East Asia (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
222019政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集冷則剛 ; 吳文欽 ; 吳玉山 ; 吳親恩 台北
232019林繼文與選舉研究吳親恩 政治學的理性與感性——林繼文精選集 (台北市 : 中央研究院政治學研究所)
242019Air Pollution and Trust in Governments in ChinaWu, Chin-en ; Chih-sung Teng; Chelsea Chia-chen Chou; Kuan-Chen Lee
252019Populism in AsiaWu, Chin-en 
262019Political Economy of Minimum Wage Policies in South Korea and Taiwan: Partisan versus Non-partisan Decision MakingKim, Dongryul; Chin-en Wu 
272018Populism in Taiwan: A Bottom-up ModelWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu
282018Globalization and Democratic Citizenship of Youth in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Feng-Yu Lee; Wen-Chin Wu 
292018State of Democracy in Asia: Populism Report (Taiwan)Wu, Chin-en 
302018Shrinking Civic Spaces in Asia (Taiwan)Wu, Chin-en 
312017Social Divide and the Function of Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
322017婚姻狀況與統獨態度吳親恩 ; 徐德成
332017Air Pollution and Political Support in China: Evidence from the Wave 4 Asian Barometer Survey吳親恩 ; 鄧志松; 周嘉辰
342017Equality, Equity and Regime Evaluation in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Hsin-hsin Pan
352017Sources of Regime Legitimacy in East Asian SocietiesChu, Yun-han; Chin-en Wu 
362017Globalization, Growth Models, and Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en Routledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia (Abingdon, UK : New York, USA)
372017影響台灣民眾公平正義與發展機會評估的因素吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第14卷第3期,頁1-44
382017Sub-Types of Semi-Presidentialism and Ethnic ViolenceLee, Feng-yu; Chin-en Wu 
392017Economic Growth Rate and Regime DynamicsWu, Chin-en 
402017Fairness of Income Distribution and Support for Democracy: Framing of Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Hsin-hsin Pan
412017Think Tanks and Policy Influence in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
432016台灣地方層級社會抗議之解析(1992-2008):一個政治機會結構的觀點蘇彥斌; 吳親恩 台灣政治學刊
442016社會抗爭的政治影響:土地開發、鄰避、生態與污染抗爭的探討吳親恩 ; 黃柔翡
452016台灣賄選研究:以2002-2014地方議員選舉為例選舉為例吳親恩 ; 鄭子長; 林衍均
462016Inequality and Support for DemocracyWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Hsin-hsin Pan
472016Sources of Social Divide in Taiwan and its Impacts on the Function of DemocracyWu, Chin-en 
482016Exit and Voice: Political Participation in East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
492016Procedural Fairness and Democratic Regime EvaluationWu, Chin-en 
502016Experience of Party Alternation and Winner-Loser Gap in Democratic Values among East Asian Countries?Wu, Chun-Ying; Chin-En Wu 
512016培育無數新血的「政治學計量方法研習營」(IPM)陳陸輝; 吳親恩 人文與社會科學簡訊 第17卷第2期,頁110-117
522015環保抗爭與綠黨得票有關嗎?2012年立委選舉政黨票的考察鄧志松; 黃嘉芳; 吳親恩 選舉研究 第22卷第2期,頁41-69
532015年齡、就業情況與政治參與:東亞國家的觀察吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉政治學報 第59期,頁81-108
542015Political Opportunity, Resource Mobilization, and Local Protests in TaiwanSu, Yen-Pin; Chin-en Wu 
552014Sources of Social Divide in Taiwan and its Impacts on the Function of DemocracyWu, Chin-en 
562014台灣地方社會抗議運動發生頻率之解析(1992-2008):政治機會論的觀點蘇彥斌; 吳親恩 
572014環保抗爭與綠黨獲票: 環保抗爭與綠黨獲票: 環保抗爭與綠黨獲票: 2012 年立委選舉政黨票的考察鄧志松; 黃嘉芳; 吳親恩 
582014The Blue-Green Divide and the Function of Democracy in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Yun-han Chu; Feng-yu Lee
592014A comparative Analysis of the Social Divide and Political Participation in East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Chun-Ying Wu
602014Explaining Patterns of Local Protests in Taiwan (1993-2008)Su, Yen-Pin; Chin-en Wu 
612014Are Bourgeoisies Liberal? Class-based Party Support in East AsiaWu, Chun-Ying; Chin-en Wu 
622014Education, Class, and Satisfaction with Democracy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
632013政治經濟學:體制轉變與研究議題吳親恩 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
642013The Gap in Democratic Support among East Asian Countries: Democracy Preference and Democratic Value吳親恩 ; 巫俊穎
652013Winner-loser Gap and Democratic LegitimacyLin, Tse-min; Wu, Chin-en ; Lee, Feng-yu
672012When Is Democracy Better for Economic Performance and When Is It Not: The Interaction Between Polity and Structural FactorsWu, Chin-en Studies in Comparative International Development 47(4), 365-388
682012廢票會傳染?台灣選舉無效票之空間分析:1992-2008鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮選舉研究 第19卷第2期,頁71-100
692012經濟投票與總統選舉:效度與內生問題的分析吳親恩 ; 林奕孜台灣政治學刊 第16卷第2期,頁175-231
702012The Youth in the Context of Globalization: Foreign Exposure, Economic Openness and National PrideWu, Chin-en 
722012Social Inequality and Regime Legitimacy in East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
732012A Comparative Analysis of the Wealth Divide and the Issue of Political InclusionWu, Chin-en ; Lee, Feng-yu
742012立法委員選舉的賄選誘因與效果:從SNTV到FPTP吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第9卷第1期,頁41-80
752012Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
762011兩岸經貿評估、政黨認同與投票選擇吳親恩 ; 林奕孜
772011政府融資角色之變化:產業結構轉變的影響吳親恩 ; 黃宗昊
782011選舉與無效票:一個空間角度的探討鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮
792011The Incentives and Effectiveness of Vote Buying: A Comparison of SNTV and FPTP Voting SystemsWu, Chin-en 
802010省籍通婚與中國人、台灣人認同:家庭成員影響力的變化吳親恩 ; 林政楠政治學報 第50期,頁41-82
812010The Dynamics of Social Protests during Taiwan's Democratic ConsolidationWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
822010Economic Evaluation, Income Distribution, and Orientation toward DemocracyWu, Chin-en ; Shyu, Huoyan
832010發展途徑、金融危機與金融重建:台灣與韓國的比較吳親恩 問題與研究 第49卷第3期,頁105-144
842010選票空間分布與席次偏差:第六、七屆立委選舉的考察鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮選舉研究 第17卷第1期,頁21-53
862009The Logic of Civil Society: Contentious Politics in New Democracies-the Taiwan CaseWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
872009經濟議題與民主體制評價-東亞國家的觀察吳親恩 臺灣民主季刊 第6卷第1期,頁1-40
882009The Spatial Organization of Elections and the Cube Law:Taiwan's 2008 Legislative Elections林澤民; 李鳳玉; 吳親恩 
892008立委選舉地盤估計:GIS與空間分析的應用鄧志松; 吳親恩 如何評估選制變遷:方法論的探討 (台北 : 五南)
902008地方議會金權政治的變化:司法判決書的分析吳親恩 台灣政治學刊 第12卷第2期,頁165-212
912008選區劃分與席位扭曲:第六、七屆立委選舉為例鄧志松; 吳親恩 ; 柯一榮
922008政治力對金融體系的干預:台灣本土型金融風暴與重建吳親恩 問題與研究 第47卷第4期,頁33-75
932008The Political and Economic Impact of Electoral Reform in TaiwanWu, Chin-en 
942008Democracy and Economic Development: An observation from East AsiaWu, Chin-en 
952008立委選舉地盤估計:GIS與空間分析的應用吳親恩 ; 鄧志松
972008選舉制度與台灣政黨族群議題立場的和緩吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉單一選區兩票制 (台北市 : 五南)
982007Comparative Risk Attitudes in the Taiwanese Electorate: The 2004 ElectionWu, Chin-En ; Lee, Feng-yu
992007Income Inequality and Satisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from East AsiaWu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
1002007選舉制度與台灣政黨族群議題立場的和緩吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉政治學報 第43期,頁71-99
1022007台灣民眾的政治信任差異:政治人物、政府與民主體制三個面向的觀察吳親恩 台灣政治學刊 第11卷第1期,頁147-200
1032007所得分配惡化對公共支出增加的影響:1980-2004吳親恩 東吳政治學報 第25卷第1期,頁73-114
1042007How do Ethnic Divisions Affect Political Trust in TaiwanWu, Chin-en Political Challenges and Democratic Institutions: International and Taiwan's Perspectives (Taipei : Taiwan Foundation for Democracy)
1052006選制改變的影響:從SNTV到「並立式單一選區兩票制」吳親恩 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北市 : 五南)
1062006The Voice of the People: How East Asians Evaluate the Quality of Democracy and Why They Vary?Wu, Chin-en ; Chu, Yun-han
1072006“Neighborhood” Influence on the Formation of National Identity in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Lin, Tse-Min; Lee, Feng-YuPolitical Research Quarterly 59(1), 35-46
1082005Electoral Systems, the Moderation of Party Positions on Ethnicity, and Political TrustWu, Chin-en 
1102005政治經濟學:幾個研究領域吳親恩 經濟學帝國主義 (台北市 : 揚智)
1132005Does Modernization Theory Fail? How Do Growth Rates Affect Regime Dynamics?Wu, Chin-en 
1142004The Impact of Economic Growth Patterns on Democratization: Does Modernization Theory Fail?Wu, Chin-en 
1152004Electoral Systems, the Moderation of Party Positions on Ethnicity, and Political TrustWu, Chin-en 
1162004選舉制度與政黨族群議題立場的和緩吳親恩 ; 李鳳玉
1172004Symbolic Politics or Pragmatism? The Issue of Unification vs. Independence in TaiwanWu, Chin-en ; Lin, Tse-Min; Lee, Feng-Yu
1182004When is Democracy Better for Economic Development? A Study of Structural FactorWu, Chin-en