Results 1-161 of 161 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Party Identification, Ambivalence, and the Issue of Vaccine Procurement in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu Journal of Asian and African Studies 58(2), 232-248
22022Image of China among the Taiwanese Public: Results from Two List ExperimentsWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei Lin
42022Punishing Environmental Offenders: Court Decisions of Environmental Litigation in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
52022既見林又見樹:臺灣金融機構搶案及其他犯罪防治的多元視角吳重禮 ; 潘競恒; 蔡藹玲公共行政學報 第62期,頁123-132
62022Active vs. Passive Ambivalent Voters: Implications for Interactive Political Communication and ParticipationChingching Chang ; Chung-li Wu Communication Research
72021兩岸關係對2016年和2020年總統選舉的影響方淇; 吳重禮 2020年總統選舉:新時代的開端 (臺北市 : 五南圖書)
82021Will the U.S. Come to Taiwan’s Defense? Analysis of Public Opinion from both Taiwan and the United StatesWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei Lin; Chingching Chang
92021國防體系政治支持和司法廉潔的實證分析吳重禮 政策與人力管理 第12卷第1期,頁1-15
102021政府危機處理與施政評價:論領導人印象對防疫表現評估的影響方淇; 吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第25卷第1期,頁1-50
112021社會距離與兩岸關係認知:臺灣民眾統獨立場的實證分析方淇; 吳重禮 選舉研究 第28卷第1期,頁103-148
122021犯罪防治與循證公共政策的對話:以1982-2020年臺灣金融機構搶案為個案的初探分析吳重禮 ; 潘競恒; 蔡藹玲公共行政學報 第60期,頁97-130
132021Strategic Voting Revisited: The Case of the 2018 Taipei City Mayoral ElectionWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei Lin; Chingching Chang Japanese Journal of Political Science 22(3), 175-191
142021The Elephant in the Voting Booth? Assessing the Effect of the 2005 Taiwanese Electoral Reform in Reducing Vote-Buying and Local Factional PoliticsChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Chung-li Wu Asian Survey 61(4), 641-662
152021Protesters on Trial: Examining Factors Influencing District Court Decisions in Social Protest Litigation in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu Social Movement Studies 21(6), 833-853
162020政府危機處理與施政評價:論領導人印象對防疫表現評估的影響方淇; 吳重禮 
172020制度選擇與政府型態的反思:切中要點還是言過其實?吳重禮 臺灣民主季刊 第17卷第4期,頁145-154
182020Toward a Greener Island: Court Decisions of Environmental Lawsuits in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
192020Protesters on Trial: Examining Factors Influencing Court Decisions in Social Protest Litigation in TaiwanLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
202020臺中市長候選人的政見比較與選舉結果的實證分析李泰德; 吳重禮 政見研究方法論 (嘉義縣民雄鄉 : 國立中正大學政治學系)
212019The Certainty of Uncertainty: Taiwanese Public Opinion on U.S.–Taiwan Relations in the Early Trump PresidencyWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei LinWorld Affairs 182(4), 350-369
222019Is There a Social Desirability Bias in Taiwanese People’s Perceptions of China? Results from a List ExperimentLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu ; Chingching Chang
232019Do Cohorts Matter? Cohort Analysis and Value-Difference Impressions of a Rising ChinaWu, Chung-li ; Alex Min-Wei LinPolitical Studies Review 17(4), 391-415
242019Please Be My Friend: The Taiwanese Public’s Ally Preferences between the United States and ChinaLin, Alex Min-wei; Chung-li Wu 選舉研究 第26卷第2期,頁87-112
252019Do the “Haves” Come Out Ahead? Resource Disparity in Public‐Land Usurpation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Social Science Quarterly 100(4), 1215-1227
262019台灣各縣市貪腐資料時空再掃描——以地方法院判決資料為例廖興中; 徐明莉; 吳重禮 
272019How Taiwan Sees China: Evidence from a List ExperimentLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
282019Assessing the Effects of Political Factors on Court Decisions in Corruption Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Asian Survey 59(2), 295-314
292019Model of behavioural strategies for coping with party ambivalenceChang, Chingching ; Wu, Chung-li Political Science 71(1), 17-39
302018臺灣縣市政府貪腐現象的再檢視:以地方法院司法判決為例吳重禮 公共行政學報 第55期,頁109-121
312018Please be My Friend: Taiwanese Public’s Perceptions of National Ally between the United States and ChinaLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
322018The Certainty of Uncertainty: Taiwanese Public Opinion on US-Taiwan Relations in the Early Trump PresidencyLin, Alex Min-Wei; Chung-li Wu 
332017Do Generations Matter? Cohort Effects and Postmaterialist Impressions of a Rising China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
342017Framing Effects of Pro-Gay and Pro-Family Activism in TaiwanDai, Shih-chan; Chung-li Wu 
352017Political Participation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Tzu-Ping LiuThe Taiwan Voter (Ann Arbor, MI, USA : University of Michigan Press)
362017Assessing the Effects of Political Factors on Court Decisions in Corruption Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
372017Partisan Divergence and Public Support for the Courts of TaiwanWu, Chung-li Japanese Journal of Political Science 18(1), 139-154
382017學門發展趨勢與展望:法律學、政治學、經濟學人文與社會科學簡訊編輯部; 賴景昌 ; 彭信坤 ; 黃銘傑; 吳重禮 ; 黃舒芃 人文與社會科學簡訊 第18卷第4期,頁28-35
392016Authoritarian Nostalgia in Taiwan: Public Evaluations of the Chiang Ching-kuo Administration in Comparative Perspective王國臣; 邱師儀; 吳重禮 
402016我國民主化後貪污犯罪的類型與趨勢:地方法院司法裁判書的實證研究楊和縉; 余致力; 吳重禮 
412016Cognitive Madisonianism, Cross-Cutting Networks, and Partisan Ambivalence: Vote Choices in the 2016 Taiwanese Presidential and Legislative Yuan ElectionsWu, Chung-li 
422016政黨競爭與藍綠衝突:議題演化的觀點吳重禮 ; 楊和縉; 黃俊翰台灣民主之反思與前瞻 (台北市 : 臺灣民主基金會)
432016選制改革對於投票穩定與變遷的影響:臺灣五次立委選舉的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 選舉研究 第23卷第1期,頁63-105
442016The Psychological Cognition for Divided Government and Vote Choices in Taiwan: The 2016 Presidential and Legislative Yuan ElectionsWu, Chung-li 
452016Games Without Frontiers, War Without Tears? The Process of Campaigning in the 2016 Taiwanese General ElectionsWu, Chung-li American Journal of Chinese Studies 23(1), 25-40
462015Cross-Strait Relations as an ‘Easy’ Issue: China’s Impact on Evidence Provision in Negative Political Campaigning in TaiwanChen, Hsuan-Yun Ted; Chung-li Wu Taiwan and the ‘China Impact’: Challenges and Opportunities (London : Routledge)
472015民意與司法信任:司法體系公共支持的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 新世紀東亞的秩序與和平 (台北 : 東吳大學、前衛出版社)
482015Friend or Foe?: The Image of a Rising China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
492015儒家思想的正統觀與兩岸交流前景:「中國印象調查」的實證初探王國臣; 曹臻; 吳重禮 哲學與文化月刊 第496期,頁21-44
502015Friend or Foe? The Image of a Rising China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
512015選舉制度改革對投票穩定與變遷的影響:台灣六次立委選舉的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 
522015民意與司法信任:司法體系公共支持的實證分析王國臣; 吳重禮 
532015經濟發展vs.環境保護:台灣民眾「後物質主義價值」的城鄉差距吳重禮 南華社會科學論叢 第1期,頁35-62
542015ECFA政治擴溢效應的實證分析林明萱; 吳重禮 問題與研究 54(2), 125-149
552015Public Support and the Judiciary: Public Attitudes toward the Taiwanese Court SystemWu, Chung-li 
562015The Rationale for Supporting Nuclear Power: Analysis of Taiwanese Public Opinion SurveySu, Xiaochen; Chung-li Wu ; Yen-chieh Liao; Tai-De Lee; Chen TsaoInternational Relations of the Asia-Pacific 15(1), 147-176
572014法律千萬條,不如黃金一條?台灣民眾對於司法判決印象的影響因素吳重禮 ; 廖彥傑; 曹臻
582014Taming the Tongue: Political Resource Inequalities and Court Decisions in Defamation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Xiaochen SuIssues & Studies 50(4), 157-189
592014Threats, Acceptance, and Ambivalence in Cooperation: The Image of China in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Xiaochen Su; Hsiao-Chien TsuiEast Asia 31(4), 305-322
6020142014年台中市長候選人胡志強與林佳龍的政見比較吳重禮 ; 李泰德
612014International Conflicts and Racial Issues: The Lessons of Pearl Harbor and 9/11Wu, Chung-li Pensee Journal 76(11), 169-183
622014The Carrot and the Stick: Taiwanese Impressions of ChinaWu, Chung-li ; Xiaochen Su; Yen-chieh Liao; Chen Tsao
632014The Role of the Legislative Yuan under Ma Ying-jeou: The Case of China-Policy Legislations and AgreementsDai, Shih-chan; Chung-li Wu Political Changes in Taiwan Under Ma Ying-jeou: Partisan Conflict, Policy Choices, External Constraints and Security Challenges (London : Routledge)
642014分立政府與低收入戶家庭生活扶助:1996至2012年台灣經驗的實證分析吳重禮 ; 李奕廷; 劉自平; 陳慧玟國家與社會 第16期,頁41-81
652013政治矛盾與投票抉擇:2012年總統暨單一選區立法委員選舉的實證分析游婷詠; 林明萱; 吳重禮 
662013Political Empowerment, Ethnic Attitudes, and Democratization in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
672013從經濟合作到政治協議:ECFA擴溢效應的實證分析林明萱; 吳重禮 
682013台灣分立政府研究吳重禮 政治學的回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
692013亦敵亦友?台灣民眾的中國印象吳重禮 ; 劉自平
702013政黨認同與投票穩定:2000年至2012年總統選舉的實證分析戴士展; 劉自平; 吳重禮 台灣選舉與民主化調查(TEDS):方法論之回顧與前瞻 (台北 : 五南)
712013Judicial Politics in Taiwan: Assessing the Impacts of Political Factors on Public-Land Usurpation LitigationWu, Chung-li 
722013誰是泛藍、泛綠認同者?台灣民眾政黨認同的實證分析吳重禮 台灣的社會變遷1985-2005:傳播與政治行為 (台北 : 中央研究院社會學研究所)
732013美國總統款項否決權的爭議:論Clinton v. City of New York案件的始末及其影響李奕廷; 吳重禮 政治學報 第55期,頁
742013Cross-Cutting Networks and Political Participation: Lessons of the 2010 City Mayoral Elections in TaiwanLiu, Tzu-Ping; Dai, Shih-chan; Wu, Chung-li East Asia 30(2), 91-104
752013China's Impact on Negative Campaigning in TaiwanChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Wu, Chung-li 
762013Measuring Cognitive Madisonianism: The 2012 Presidential and Legislative Yuan Elections in TaiwanChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Wu, Chung-li ; Liu, Tzu-Ping
772013Assessing the Taiwanese Electoral Reform in Alleviating Problems Associated with Low Threshold of Exclusion under the Single Non-Transferable Vote: Vote-Buying and FactionalismChen, Ted Hsuan Yun; Wu, Chung-li 
782012The Problems with ‘Cognitive Madisonianism’ in Taiwanese Electoral Studies: Adapting an Alternative Measurement of Fiorina’s Policy-Balancing Hypothesis陳宣運; 劉自平; 吳重禮 
792012政黨認同與投票穩定:2000年至2012年總統選舉的實證分析戴士展; 劉自平; 吳重禮 
802012分立政府與社會福利:2001至2012年台灣經驗的分析李奕廷; 劉自平; 陳宣運; 吳重禮 
812012選民的政治矛盾態度與分裂投票:2012年總統暨立法委員選舉的實證分析吳重禮 ; 李崑斌
822012交叉壓力、意見表達與政黨認同:2008年立法委員選舉的實證分析劉自平; 吳重禮 ; 戴士展選舉研究 第19卷第2期,頁1-36
832012Charge Me if You Can: Assessing Political Biases in Vote-buying Verdicts in Democratic Taiwan (2000-2010)Wu, Chung-li The China Quarterly 211, 786-805
852012政治因素對於賄選訴訟案件的可能影響:司法專業人士的觀點分析孫銘鴻; 吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第16卷第1期,頁121-187
862012Taming the Tongue: Politics and Judicial Verdicts in Defamation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
872012The Role of the Legislative Yuan under Ma Ying-jeou: The Case of China-Policy Legislations and AgreementsDai, Shih-chan; Wu, Chung-li 
882012Politics and Judicial Verdicts on Defamation Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
892012Social Bases of Taiwan’s Political Parties: Regionalism and Ethnicity under MMMWu, Chung-li ; Tsui, Hsiao-Chien; Liu, Tzu-Ping; Dai, Shih-chan
902012研究文獻評閱與研究邱銘哲; 吳重禮 社會及行為科學研究法(一):總論與量化研究法 (台北市 : 東華)
912012鞏固支持或資源拔樁?解析中央對地方補助款分配的政治因素王志良; 詹富堯; 吳重禮 政治科學論叢 第51期,頁51-90
922012Halfway Through: Regime Transition to Democratic ConsolidationWu, Chung-li ; Dai, Shih-chan
932012政治因素對於法院審理之影響分析——以台灣選舉誹謗司法案件為例吳重禮 ; 李伊婷; 孫煒臺灣民主季刊 第9卷第1期,頁1-40
942012The Organizational Tragectory of the Kuomintang’s Party Nature in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
952012Cross-Cutting Networks and Political Participation: Lessons of the 2010 City Mayoral Elections in TaiwanLiu, Tzu Ping; Wu, Chung-li ; Dai, Shih-chan
962011族群意識對台灣民主化之影響吳重禮 ; 崔曉倩台灣民主化的經驗與意涵 (台北 : 五南圖書)
972011Political Contexts and Materialist/Postmeterialist Values: Four Cases of Taiwan in Comparative PerspectiveWu, Chung-li ; Liu, Tzu Ping
982011政治賦權與地方政府信任:2006年與2010年北、高市長選舉族群差異分析吳重禮 ; 劉自平; 戴士展
992011The Evolution of the Kuomintang’s Electoral Factors and Party Platforms in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Dai, Shih-chan
1002011美國總統款項否決權的爭議:論Clinton v. City of New York案件的政治爭議李奕廷; 吳重禮 
1012011社會網絡、意見表達與政黨認同:2008年立法委員選舉的實證分析劉自平; 吳重禮 
1022011年齡與選舉參與:2008年總統選舉的實證分析崔曉倩; 吳重禮 調查研究:方法與應用 第26期,頁7-44
1032011Socioeconomic Change and Postmaterialist Values: A Comparative Analysis of TaiwanWu, Chung-li Election Studies 1 (2), 159-191
1042011政治因素對於法院審理之影響分析:以台灣選舉誹謗司法案件為例吳重禮 ; 李伊婷
1052011From Authoritarianism to Nascent Democracy in Taiwan: Electoral Elements of the Kuomintang-Dominant RegimChu, Yun-han; Wu, Chung-li 
1062011Socioeconomic Change and Postmaterialist Values: A Comparative Analysis of TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
1072011Political Empowerment and Ethnic Attitudes in Taiwan: Governmental Trust in the 2006 Municipal Mayoral ElectionsWu, Chung-li 
1092011從台灣賄選案件探討政治因素對於司法審判之影響孫銘鴻; 吳重禮 
1102010族群、賦權與選舉評價:2004年與2008年總統選舉省籍差異的實證分析吳重禮 ; 崔曉倩臺灣民主季刊 第7卷第4期,頁137-182
1112010Does Political Empowerment Matter? African American and White Employment Allocation in Municipal Private JobsWu, Chung-li Journal of Black Studies 41(2), 225-242
1122010鞏固支持或資源拔樁?中央與地方府際關係對於補助款分配之影響王志良; 詹富堯; 吳重禮 
1132010Charge Me if You Can: Assessing Political Biases in Vote-Buying Verdicts in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
1142010年齡與政治參與:2008年面訪調查資料的應用崔曉倩; 吳重禮 
1162010Politics and Judicial Decisions on Vote-Buying Litigation in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
1172009Semi-Presidentialism and Divided Government in Taiwan: Public Perceptions of Government PerformanceWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 45(4), 1-34
1182009我國老人政治參與的實證分析-以1989年至2004年立法委員選舉為例吳重禮 台灣人口老化問題 (台北 : 中央研究院經濟研究所、財團法人孫運璿學術基金會)
1202009Political Parties and Local Factions in Taiwan's Electoral PoliticsWu, Chung-li The Political System of Taiwan (Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)
1212009International Conflicts, Elite Discourses, and Racial/Ethnic IssuesWu, Chung-li 
1222008立法委員選舉制度改革的省思:匡正弊端或是治絲益棼吳重禮 如何評估選制變遷:方法論的探討 (台北 : 五南)
12320082004年和2006年美國選舉的變與常吳重禮 台灣民主季刊, 第5卷第4期,頁177-89
1242008司法與公共支持:台灣民眾對於司法體系的比較評價吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第12卷第2期,頁15-66
1252008A Simple Model for Predicting the Outcome of the 2008 Legislative Yuan Elections in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 44(4), 1-28
1262008台灣民眾威權懷舊的初探:蔣經國政府施政的比較評價吳重禮 選舉研究 第15卷第2期,頁119-142
1272008Semi-Presidentialism, Divided Government, and Performance Evaluations: A Pilot Study of Taiwan.Wu, Chung-li 
1282008The Transformation of the Kuomintang's Candidate Selection SystemWu, Chung-li Politics of Modern Taiwan: Critical Issues in Modern Politics, Volume IV: Party and Local Politics (London : Routledge)
1302008政黨偏好、制衡認知與分裂投票-2006年北高市長暨議員選舉的實證分析吳重禮 台灣民主季刊 第5卷第2期,頁27-58
1322008Socioeconomic Change and Postmaterialist Values: A Comparative Analysis of TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
1352008Government and Information: Scientific Research and Policy Agenda in CongressWu, Chung-li Parliamentary Affairs 61(2), 356-369
1382008Ethnicity, Empowerment, and Political Trust: The 2005 Local Elections in TaiwanWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 44(1), 105-132
1392008政黨與選舉:理論與實踐吳重禮 台北
1412007分立政府與經濟表現:1992年至2006年台灣經驗的分析吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第11卷第2期,頁53-91
1422007A Simple Model for Predicting the 2008 Legislative Yuan Election in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
1432007Divided Government in Taiwan's Local Politics: Public Evaluations of City/County Government PerformanceWu, Chung-li ; Huang, ChiParty Politics 13(6), 741-760
1442007Opening Up the Secret Garden: The Impact of Candidate Selection Reforms in Taiwanese Political PartiesWu, Chung-li ; Fell, Dafydd
1452007政黨與未獲提名候選人之參選決策分析崔曉倩; 吳重禮 選舉研究 第14卷第1期,頁119-143
1472007Does Empowerment Matter? Biracial Employment Allocation in Municipal Private JobsWu, Chung-li 
1482006Vote Misreporting and Survey Context: The Taiwan CaseWu, Chung-li Issues & Studies 42(4), 223-239
1492006交叉網絡與政治參與:2001年縣市長與立法委員選舉的實證研究吳重禮 ; 鄭文智; 崔曉倩人文及社會科學集刊 第18卷第4期,頁599-638
1502006憲政改革:背景、運作與影響吳重禮 ; 吳玉山 台北
1512006憲政改革:背景、運作與影響吳重禮 ; 吳玉山 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
1522006憲政設計、政黨政治與權力分立:美國分立政府的運作經驗及其啟示吳重禮 憲政改革:背景、運作與影響 (台北 : 五南)
1532006Ethnicity, Empowerment, and Political Trust: The 2005 Local Elections in TaiwanWu, Chung-li 
1542006Vote Overreporting and Survey ContextWu, Chung-li 
1552006時間序列民調資料的分析:Samplemiser的運用與評估崔曉倩; 吳重禮 台灣政治學刊 第10卷第1期,頁39-67
1562006憲政設計、政黨政治與權力分立:美國分立政府的運作經驗及其啟示吳重禮 問題與研究 第45卷第3期,頁133-166
1572006利益團體吳重禮 政治學(下) (台北 : 五南)
1582006Inter-Party Competition in Taiwan: Two Decades of Change and ContinuityFell, Dafydd; Wu, Chung-li East Asia: An International Quarterly 23(1), 3-6
1592006Empowerment Theory and Ethnic Politics in TaiwanWu, Chung-li ; Hsiao, Cheng-TaiIssues & Studies 42(1), 103-136
1602006「分立政府」對於兩岸政策影響之初探:以1996-2004年行政與立法互動關係為例岳瑞麒; 吳重禮 遠景基金會季刊 第7卷第1期,頁1-52
161-新方法新數據:政治學與AI的相遇謝忠賢; 吳重禮 智慧新世界?人文社科學人眼中的AI