Results 1-50 of 50 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022Different postcolonial conditions, different education histories: the cases of Taiwan, Singapore and Hong KongTing-Hong Wong HISTORY OF EDUCATION 52(2-3), 246-269
22022從新審視戰後台灣政治發展:評林孝庭《蔣經國的台灣時代:中華民國與冷戰下的台灣》黃庭康 臺灣史研究 第29卷第2期,頁217-226
32020華校傳授比英校更前衛的性別觀念?讀《離散者的學校教育》的反思黃庭康 依大中文與教育學刊 第2期,頁209-215
42020Review Symposium on Being Modern in China: A Western Cultural Analysis of Modernity, Tradition and Schooling in China Today, by Paul Willis (Polity Press, 2019)John Lowe; Charlene Tan; Ting-Hong Wong British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(7), 1070-1072
52020書評:Public Vs Private: The Early History of School Choice in America, by Robert N. Gross (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018)黃庭康 臺灣教育社會學研究 第20卷第1期,頁117-125
62020Education and National Colonialism in Postwar Taiwan: The Paradoxical Use of Private Schools to Expand State Power, 1944-1966Ting-Hong Wong History of Education Quarterly 60(2), 156-184
72020The Effect of Decolonization on Colonial Governance: A Case Study of the Polytechnic in Colonial Hong KongTing-Hong Wong Decolonization(s) and Education: New Polities and New Men (New York : Peter Lang)
82020評 The Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger of the America's Public Schools黃庭康 教育研究集刊 第66輯第1期,頁103-110
92020Historicizing Hegemonies: Chinese School Policies in Postwar Singapore and Hong KongTing-Hong Wong Routledge International Handbook of Multicultural Education Research in Asia Pacific (New York : Routledge)
102018戰後新加坡華文學校的國家改革:一個華校比較研究的分析架構黃庭康 華人研究國際學報 第10卷第2期,頁1-19
112018不平等的教育:批判教育社會學的九堂課黃庭康 台灣
122018Historizing Hegemonies: Chinese School Policies in Postwar Singapore and Hong KongTing-Hong Wong Routledge International Handbook of Multicultural Eduction Research in Asia Pacific (New York : Routledge)
132017評<戰爭與台灣的高等教育,1945-1990>黃庭康 台灣社會學, 第34卷,頁169-175
142017Book review of The Lost Generation: The Rustification of China’s Educated Youth, 1968-1980, by Michel Bonnin (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2013)Ting-Hong Wong History of Education 46(4), 547-549
152017Reappraising the Pedagogic Device's Evaluative Rules: State Reformed Examinations of Chinese Middle Schools in SingaporeTing-Hong Wong British Journal of Sociology of Education 38(3), 364-383
162017Book review of Knowledge, Control and Critical Thinking in Singapore: State Ideology and the Politics of Pedagogic Recontextualization, by Leonel Lim (New York: Routledge, 2016)Ting-Hong Wong Curriculum Journal 28(2), 300-301
172016重探伯恩斯坦的教育機制理論:以新加坡華文中學的國家改革考試為例黃庭康 教育研究集刊 第六十二輯第三期,頁73-104
182016College Admissions, International Competition, and the Cold War in Asia: The Case of Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan in the 1950sTing-Hong Wong HISTORY OF EDUCATION QUARTERLY 56(2), 331-357
192016State Refromed Examinations of Chinese Middle Schools in Singapore from the Late 1950s to the Mid 1960sTing-Hong Wong Critical Studies in Singapore Education (New York : Routledge)
202016Unintended Hegemonic Effects: Institutional Incorporation of Chinese Schools in Postwar Hong KongTing-Hong Wong The Strong State and Curriculum Reform: Assessing the Possibilities and Limitations of Educational Change in Asia (New York : Routledge)
212016反思台灣威權時期僑生政策的形成——以五零年代為例黃庭康 族群、民族與現代國家的經驗與理論 (臺北市 : 中央研究院社會學研究所)
222015無心插柳的霸權效應:戰後香港中文學校的組織吸納黃庭康 思想香港, 6:1-21
232015Social Foundations of Public-Private Partnerships in Education: The Historical Cases of Postwar Singapore and Hong KongTing-Hong Wong History of Education 44(2), 207-24
242012The Unintended Hegemonic Effects of a Limited Concession: Institutional Incorporation of Chinese Schools in Postwar Hong KongWong, Ting-Hong British Journal of Sociology of Education  33(4), 587-606
252012De-Universalizing Hegemonies: Chinese School Policies in Postwar Singapore and Hong KongWong, Ting Hong Multicultural Education Review 4(1), 90-118
262011書評:Xing Zhang, Preserving Cultural Identity through Education: The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2010.黃庭康 華人研究國際學報, 第3卷第2期,頁89-91
272011“一代鋼門” 仇志強和他的年代黃庭康 當代評論(馬來西亞), 第一期,頁66-69
282011Colonial State Entrapped—The Problem of Unregistered Schools in Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960sWong, Ting-Hong Journal of Historical Sociology 24(3):297-320
292010Book Review on: China's Christian Colleges: Cross-Cultural Connections, 1900-1950 (edited by Daniel H. Bays and Ellen Widmer)Wong, Ting-Hong History of Education Quarterly, 50(4), 542-545
302010國家權力形構與教育:戰後香港黑市學校的歷史個案黃庭康 台灣社會學刊 第44期,頁107-154
312009Book review on: School Choice International: Exploring Public-Private Partnerships (edited by Rajashri Chakrabarti and Paul E. Peterson)Wong, Ting-Hong Education Economics, 17 (4):539-41
322008比較霸權:戰後新加坡及香港華文學校政治黃庭康著 ; 李宗義譯台北
332008The Colonial State and Black Market Schools in Postwar Hong KongWong, Ting-Hong occasional paper, Contemporary Chinese Research centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 1-40
342007雙城記:新加坡及香港政府的華文大學政策黃庭康 南大圖像:歷史河流中的省視 (新加坡南洋理工大學中華語言文化中心 : 八方文化)
352007書評:《理想與現實:南洋大學學生會研究,1956-1964》(丘淑玲著)。黃庭康 亞洲文化, 第31期,頁265-7
362007Education and State Formation Reappraised: Chinese School Identity in Postwar Singapore and Hong KongWong, Ting-Hong International Studies in Sociology of Education 17(1 and 2)
372007Rethinking State Formation and Education: Identity of Chinese Schools in Postwar SingaporeWong, Ting-Hong Transformation in Schooling--Historical and Comparative Perspectives (New York : Palgrave)
382007Book review on: Globalization and Marketization in Education—A Comparative Analysis of Hong Kong and Singapore (by Ka-Ho Mok and Jason Tan)Wong, Ting-Hong Education Economics, 15(1), 131-3
392006Institutionally Incorporated, Symbolically Un-remade: State Reform of Chinese Schools in Postwar SingaporeWong, Ting-Hong British Journal of Sociology of Education 27(5)
402005Comparing State Hegemonies: Chinese Universities in Postwar Singapore and Hong KongWong, Ting-Hong British Journal of Sociology of Education 26, 199-218
412005Hegemony and Chinese School Curriculum in Singapore and Hong KongWong, Ting-Hong Struggles Over Difference: Curriculum, Text, and Pedagogy in the Asia-Pacific (Albany, New York : State University of New York Press)
422003歷史比較社會學:一點研究經驗的分享黃庭康 質性研究方法與資料分析 (高雄市 : 復文)
432003Education and State Formation Reconsidered: Chinese School Identity in Postwar SingaporeWong, Ting-Hong Journal of Historical Sociology 16, 243-272
442003Rethinking the Education-State Formation Connection: The State, Cultural Struggles, and Changing the SchoolWong, Ting-Hong ; Apple, Michael W.The State and the Politics of Knowledge (New York : Routledge)
452002國家權力形構與華文學校課程改革----戰後新加坡及香港的個案比較黃庭康 教育與社會研究 第4卷,頁111-133
462002Pedagogic Reform in Singapore: Rethinking the Education/State Formation ConnectionWong, Ting-Hong ; Apple, Michael W.Comparative Education Review 46, 182-210
472002葛蘭西:國家權力與文化霸權黃庭康 意識、權力與教育:教育社會學理論論文集 (高雄市 : 復文)
482002艾波爾《教育與權力》導讀黃庭康 意識、權力與教育:教育社會學理論論文集 (高雄市 : 復文)
492002Hegemonies Compared: State Formation and Chinese School Politics in Postwar Singapore and Hong KongWong, Ting-Hong ,New York
502000State Formation, Hegemony, and Nanyang University in Singapore, 1953 to 1965Wong, Ting-Hong Formosan Education and Society, 1, 59-87