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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
22020誰、為何、如何記憶? 一個前現代個案的書寫分類與倫理內涵劉瓊云 
32020Knowledge, Emotion, and Imagination: Negotiating Cultural Boundaries in The Eunuch Sanbao's Voyage to the Western OceanLiu, Chiung-yun Evelyn Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 7(1), 115-148
42020Embodied Virtue: How Was Loyalty Edited and Performed in Late Imperial China?Liu, Chiung-yun Evelyn Keywords in Chinese Culture: Thought and Literature (Hong Kong : Chinese University Press)
52019我們可以從明代道德故事類書中讀出什麼?─知識編輯、文化網絡與通俗忠觀劉瓊云 新史學 第30卷第3期,頁1-73
62018神魔傳統遇上海外知識:《三寶太監西洋記》中的世界、敘事與想像劉瓊云 台大中文學報 62期,頁49-104
82016書評: Oedipal God: The Chinese Nezhe and His Indian Origins by Meir Shahar劉瓊云 漢學研究 34(4), 323-330
102016The Trouble with Loyalty: Eunuchs, Prostitutes and Barbarians in The Rock with Shadows of BloodLiu, Chiung-yun Evelyn 
112016清初《千忠錄》裡的身體、聲情與忠臣記憶劉瓊云 戲劇研究 第17期, 頁1-40
122015宦官、俠妓和女夷───《血影石》中的邊緣人物與異域想像劉瓊云 政大中文學報 第24期, 頁89-128
132015天道、治術、商品:《忠經》之出版與明代忠文化劉瓊云 中國文哲研究通訊 第24卷第2期,頁73-120
142015The Craft of Remembering──Preforming Loyalty in The Slaughter of Thousand Loyal OnesLiu, Chiung-yun 
152015Editing Stories as Translation──Mediating Loyalty through Late Ming Popular Miscellanies (tongsu leishu)Liu, Chiung-yun 
162015記憶的技藝──從《千忠戮》裡的血與雪談起劉瓊云 從摩羅到諾貝爾──文學.經典.現代意識 (臺北 : 麥田出版)
172014妖魔、動物、精怪:《醒世姻緣傳》中的記惡書寫劉瓊云 清華中文學報 第11期, 頁103-157
182014Review of Richard G. Wang, Ming Erotic Novellas──Genre, Consumption and Religiosity in Cultural PracticeLiu, Chiung-yun Evelyn Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 36, 228-234
192013How Is a Loyalist’s Suicide Turned into Comedy?── Prostitutes, Barbarians and Eunuchs in The Rock with Shadows of BloodLiu, Chiung-yun 
202012帝王還魂—明代建文帝流亡敘事的衍異劉瓊云 新史學 23(4), 61-117
222011人、天、魔—《女仙外史》中的歷史缺憾與「她」界想像劉瓊云 中國文哲研究集刊 第38期, 頁43-94
262010聖教與戲言:論世本《西遊記》中意義的遊戲劉瓊云 中國文哲研究集刊 第36期,頁1-43
282009搬演神聖:以玄奘取經行故事為中心劉瓊云 戲劇研究 第4期,頁119-154
292008Scriptures and Bodies: Jest and Meaning in the Religious Journeys in Xiyou jiLiu, Chiung-yun Evelyn Harvard University, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, 454 p.