Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12018The Tea Not Consumed: Cultural and Political Meanings of the American Revolution in China 1774-1912Jeng-guo Chen Beyond 1776: Globalizing the Literatures, Cultures, and Community of the American Revolution (Charlottesville : Virginia University Press)
22018帝國與文明:普遍價值之批判性反思 (AS-107-TP-C03)曾國祥 ; 陳正國 ; 葉浩; 陳嘉銘 ; 周家瑜; 蕭高彥中央研究院
32017從專制到東方專制——十八世紀英國殖民進程與東方專制論的源起陳正國 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第88本第4分,頁917-995
42017“The Man Within”: Adam Smith on Moral Autonomy and Religious SentimentsJeng-Guo S. Chen Journal of Scottish Philosophy 15(1), 47-64
52017Yan Fu’s Wealth of Nations:’ A Victorian Adam Smith in Late Qing ChinaJeng-Guo S. Chen The Adam Smith Review 9, 145-168
62017Special Issue of Adam Smithh ReviewChen, Jeng-Guo London
72012陌生人的歷史意義——亞當史密斯論商業社會的倫理基礎陳正國 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第83本第4分,頁779-835
82012啟蒙及其限制羅衛東; 陳正國 杭州
92012英國思想界對里斯本大地震 (1755) 的回應陳正國 臺大文史哲學報 第76期,頁161-210
102010The Wealth of Chinese Nation: British Economic Imaginings of China in the Long Eighteenth Century 1688-1832Jeng-Guo S. Chen Horizon 2, 119-134
112010Gendering India: Effeminacy and the Scottish Enlightenment's Debates over Virtue and LuxuryChen, Jeng-Guo The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 51(1-2), 193-210
122008宗教與世俗的辯證——佛格森論歷史與自由陳正國 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第79本第2分,頁187-233
132007Scottish Discussions of Indian Effeminacy in the Eighteenth Century (十八世紀蘇格蘭關於印度教徒贏弱的討論)Chen, Jeng-Guo Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies (臺灣東亞文明研究學刊) 4(2), 149-167
142006William Cleghorn's Idea of FriendshipChen, Jeng-Guo 
152006Friendship and Eqaulity in Tan Sitong's Idea of PindengChen, Jeng-Guo 
162006臺灣史學中的余英時身影陳正國 當代 第232期,頁34-51
172005專號導言─國王已死,國王萬歲陳正國 新史學 第16卷第4期,頁1-11
182005The British View of Chinese Civilization and the Emergence of Class ConsciousnessChen, Jeng-Guo The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation45(2), 193-205
19-Between the Modernist and Traditionalist: Receptions of Adam Smith in China, 1902-2012Jeng-guo Chen